Chapter Thirty-Two

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(Aliya's POV)

It was time for war.  We were all set up and ready at our stations.  Ciana and Faith were already nervous I could smell it coming off of them.  They had to relax in order for this to work.  I waited a little bit until they relaxed.  Then we walked on the pack territory.  Guards instantly surrounded us with knives pointed at our throats.  One wrong move and they were going to kill us.  

"What are you doing here?"  One of the guards sneered.

"We don't want to be with the rogues anymore,"  I said growling at the rogue part to act disgusted.  "So for peace and hope to be accepted we are here to give a dance to Alpha Miller."

The guard stopped.  I knew he was mind-linking Austin to see what he should do.  He sighed and waved us to follow.  The guard looked really weak.  I knew that every one of Austin's strong guards was with him in the meeting.  I prayed that everything went to plan with the boys.

(Beth's POV)

I stood up with the blade in my hand when Elijah brought the first guard over.  I was ready.  I had to do this.  I wanted to prove to mommy and daddy I was worth their time.  I had to let them know that they didn't waste their time training me and saving my life.  Elijah dropped the dead body to the ground and I started working.  

"Good job Beth,"  Elijah smiled at me full of pride.  My heart melted a little.  I saw Elijah as my uncle.  

He left and his words couldn't stop echoing at the back of my head.  His smile wouldn't leave my thoughts either.  I was the luckiest girl of all time.  More bodies kept coming back and I kept giving the drained blood to the regular warrior wolves like me.  Grace howled in delight.  Almost every warrior was covered in blood.  All I could smell was Austin's pack of wolves around me.  My thoughts turned to Daddy and Blayke.  I've seen every other guardian but I have had yet to see them come back here with at least one kill.  My mind raced and I looked around for Elijah worried.  Daddy and Blayke could be in a lot of trouble.

(Dean's POV)

Blayke and I were outside of the pack house, staring from the outside in.  We were high up, we needed to get into the building if we were going to see if everything was going okay for the girls.  Blayke was the one to climb into the window first.  I joined quickly after.

When we got in I could see Aly, Ciana, Faith, and Mina dancing.  Austin's pack was definitely distracted by them.  I could see four different sets of hand trying to grab my mate.  I felt bad for Blayke.  He must've wanted to kill any bastard in this room right now that was touching his mate and going near his pup.  Ashur started thinking about me pupping Aliya.  My cock twitched at the thought.  I let out a painfully quiet sigh.  Now was definitely not the time for Ashur to be thinking about that.  It felt like my wolf was more perverted than the horn dogs groping the girls below us.

I looked out the window and saw our three packs taking out Austin's pack and some of the other wolves that came from his allied packs early.  I had to admit it.  The trick the girls found out for distracting male wolves was really effective.  Not one of the wolves hesitated with the thought of hearing something going on outside in the distance.  I got closer to Blayke so I didn't have to talk loud and risk ruining everything.

"So, what's the plan?"  I whispered.

"I thought you would be the one to know,"  Blayke chuckled quietly.  "You are the one that wanted to go against the plan and do this right away."

I gave Blayke a hard glare.  "You didn't even hesitate to say yes."

Blayke shrugged, he knew I was right on that one.  "Okay, we'll wait and when all of the wolves outside are dead, Elijah will be here.  I know it's mot ideal to take orders from him but right now Aliya and him are the only ones that know the full-on plan."

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