Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in my room alone.  The drain tube was right by my side.  I touched my neck and felt that it was all healed up.  How long was I asleep for?  I grabbed the tube and threw it out in the garbage.  I stretched and went downstairs, feeling hungry.

I couldn't tell if it was Dean or Ashur making lunch.  Blayke was sitting on the counter with Mina on one of his legs.  Ciana was cuddled up to Alec.  Everyone seemed relaxed.  Except for when I walked in.  Everyone began to shift uncomfortably.  I sighed and decided that I could wait to eat. Training was needed, now.  I rolled my eyes at everyone, walking away.  I groaned, walking back to the kitchen because I realized that I needed to take the stitches out.  Yup, it was Dean, I knew it was him.  The way he was stiff and had anger radiating off of him.  I grabbed the scissors and tried to walk away.  Dean grabbed my wrist.   

"What do you need those for?"  Dean asked.  "Those are for stitches."

"I can read the label on it,"  I growled.  "Now, let me go."

"Let Blayke or someone else do it,"  Dean said.  "You could hurt yourself."

"I'd rather get a little cut other than anything else going wrong today,"  I glared at him.  "I'm pretty sure you caused more of it then I did.  So stop pretending that you care, you don't."

Dean put me on the counter and took the scissors for my hand.  He gently moved my hair out of the way and tilted my head to the side as he cut out the stitches.  I felt him pull them out.  I gave him a nod then hopped off the counter.  Rayla howled in delight that Dean took care of me even though I denied the help.  I walked out of the kitchen and decided to train in my regular clothing.  If a battle were to ever happen I wouldn't have the time to change so I should get used to fighting in my everyday clothing.  

Hours went by as I kept training by punching a punching bag, running, meditating and so much more.  I put myself into and handstand, closing my eyes.  I was on a balance beam.  I took one of my hands away and put it on my thigh, leaning forward to work on my abs.  I heard a giggle and I opened my eyes slowly.  Mina and Ciana were right in front of my face.

"That's cool,"  Mina smiled.

"You're face is all red though,"  Ciana laughed.  "I guess a lot of blood is rushing to your head."

I slowly put myself on the ground.  "Thank you, you two."

"Sorry,"  Mina giggled.  "We just say you and we wanted to ask you a question."

"What is it?"  I asked, sitting on the balance beam.

"Can you train us?"  Ciana asked.

"So we're not completely defenseless,"  Mina added.

"Fine, but you're not learning how to hurt anyone,"  I said.  "You're going to learn self-defense first because I doubt you guys are going to go somewhere completely alone.  Well, at least without me, Blayke, Alec or Dean."

"Okay, we'll take what we can get so far,"  Ciana and Mina agreed.

I stood up two pegs on a pole.  "Take off your gym sweaters."

Ciana and Mina looked confused but they listened.  I smiled.  "Drop them on the ground."  They did it.  "Pick it up."  

"This isn't ma-"  I cut Mina off with a glare.

"Drop them on the ground,"  I growled.  They dropped them.  "Pick them up."

"Aliya seriously,"  Ciana snarled.

"Pick them up!"  I yelled.  They obliged.  "Hang them up."

They threw them on the pegs in outrage.  "Take them down."

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