Chapter Nine

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I got ready for the little dinner plan Dean put together.  None of us ate heavy foods because we wanted to be respectful and eat at the dinner.  I felt like I was going to be sick, anything was possible.  Anything could happen.  Through the whole dinner, Alec was staring at me and Blayke. There was a fire in his eyes that I couldn't get out of my head.  Dean was a no-show at dinner, I guess he was getting ready.  There was something about Blayke that reminded me of my old Beta's son.  It wasn't possible that the Beta's son was here, he was most likely with his parents.

When I walked downstairs the boys were there.  We were waiting on Ciana and Mina.  I kept my distance from all three boys, still preparing myself for what could happen in the near future.  Rayla has been quiet since we heard about the little get-together talk about what happened with Tina.  I knew that Rayla wasn't taking any of the blame for Tina throwing herself out the window. It was her choice, her fault.  Her own blood was on her hands, not mine or Rayla's.  

"Okay!"  I heard Ciana say.  "We're ready!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the two girls.  They were smiling happy, what the hell were they wearing?  This was serious, no time for fun.  Blayke tapped my shoulder and I stopped relaxing on the railing of the stairs.  One way or another, this was going to end with something bad happening.  

We got to the fancy little diner.  I felt weird because I was the only girl in casual attire, at least it looked fancy.  We ordered our food and the waitress decided to flirt with the boys.  Mina and Ciana growled.  I showed no reaction to her flirting with my mate.  She wasn't worth it.  Blayke and Alec gripped their mates and whispered sweet little nothings in their ears.  Dean was just staring at me to see if I would make a reaction.  I just smiled towards him.  He rolled his eyes.  The waitress left shaking her ass too much to make it look sexy.  

"Aliya, how do you hold yourself together like that?"  Mina asked.

"Guardians don't show as much emotion,"  I answered.  "Well, the girls don't.  We understand when people are good looking so we don't get jealous."

"Well, either way, he's your mate,"  Ciana said.  "You should show a little of protectiveness."

"Like he showed me when he threw me in a cell?"  I shot at her.

Everyone was quiet and shifted uncomfortably.  Blayke laughed it off and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.  "Ally, I think you should relax a little.  We all regret what happened to you."

Dean just stared at Blayke, with anger in his eyes.  Blayke licked Mina's mark to show that he had a mate.  It was small but it still made Mina shiver.  I patted Blayke's arm that was still on my shoulders.  We waited for our food to continue talking.  The waitress wasn't the one to serve our food.  A waiter was.  

"Here is your food,"  he smiled.

That voice.  My head shot up and I stared at the waiter.  It couldn't have been him, could it?  I then got a glimpse of his forest green eyes.  It was Gamma Evernight.  Was that waitress... she looked a lot like her.  

"What's going on with you and your mate?"  I asked Gamma Evernight.

Gamma Evernight stared at me in shock.  "Aliya Simmons?"

I nodded.  "What's going on with you and your mate?"

Gamma Evernight smiled.  "She's been pissed at me and you ever since you burned that pack to the ground." 

I laughed.  "She knows that they deserved it."

"Well, now she wants us to take the lands and make it a known territory,"  Gamma Evernight smiled.  "I've never seen someone that wanted to be a Luna so bad."

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