When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 5)

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Chapter 5

(Summer's Point of View)

I flopped down on Deanna's neon orange bed, cradling my soda in my hand, careful not to spill it on her poka-dot carpet. "That movie," I exclaimed. "Was the best I've ever seen!"

Deanna laughed as she flopped down next to me. "You say that about every movie you ever see!" She said with a grin, and grinned back at her. "Nuh-uh. Remember that one horror movie, with the guy and the girl and the dog?"

Deanna looked at me. "Oh... but that one was awful." She exclaimed. "It doesn't count." And I laughed. Only Deanna would know what I was talking about with that little information and description. It was good to have my best-friend back, thank goodness for Starbucks and chick-flicks.

"Alright, alright," I soothed, with a smirk, "It doesn't count... you sore loser!" Deanna sat up straight, with a glare at me she said, "Take that back."

"Never." I hissed grabbing a pillow and tossing it at her. She shrieked and grabbed the closest pillow to her and threw that at me. I ducked, and rolled off the bed. Hearing the springs creak under Deanna's weight, I tried to remain as quiet as possible, as I snatched a pillow off the floor.

Crawling under the bed, I dragged the pillow along with me. "Got you!" I heard Deanna cry, the bed squeak with her sudden movement, then confused silence as she asked, "Summer? Where'd you go?"

I crawled around to the other side of the bed, coming out from under it, took the pillow and raised it above my head. I was about to drop it straight down on her when my eyes flickered to the digital clock on her bedside table, and I shrieked in horror.

Deanna flipped around onto her back and tossed the pillow at me. "Gottacha!" She cried out with a smug grin that faded to a frown when she saw my horrified expression. "What?"

"The time!" I cried, dropping the pillow and quickly grabbing for my stuff and shoving it back into my bag, locating things around the room. "I have to go!" Deanna continued to frown at me as I struggled with my shoes.

"Why?" Deanna asked suddenly, and I stopped tugging at the shoe and looked at her. "Remember what today is? Dinner with Max's parents?" I said slowly, as if this whole thing were obvious.

Which it was.

Deanna's frown grew even deeper. "You're gonna go?" She asked, kicking her legs over the side of the bed, then standing up placing her feet on the ground. I just looked at her like she had two heads as she towered over my floppy shoe and me. "Of course I'm going to go," I told her, "you understand just as well as I do, I don't have a choice."

"No." Deanna said with a shake of her head, "I don't understand as well as you do, I understand better." Not in the mood for this, I continued to pull on my shoe. "How so?" I asked through gritted teeth, as I tried to shove my foot into the top of the footwear.

"Because I say you do have a choice." My foot finally slid in with a little whoosh, and I grinned, almost feeling like applauding myself when Deanna asked, "Are you even listening?"

"Uh, yeah." I said as I stood up looking for my bag, which Deanna lifted up from beside her bed with one hand. I grinned as I reached for it, my mouth parted with the beginning of a 'Thank you' when Deanna yanked it away from my outstretched fingers. "Hey!" I cried out.

"You want this?" She asked, shaking the bag by its straps with her hand. I nodded, and she glared at me, "Then LISTEN to me Summer." I let out a little sigh, and turned my eyes to her in a sign that I was listening.

"You have a choice Summer." Deanna said, again. I had heard her say it the first time, and just declined to answer. I didn't have a choice, and if she didn't get that by now, she never would.

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