When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 3.5)

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Chapter 3.5

(Max's point of view)

I was a little bit worried when Summer didn't show up for sixth period; after all, Summer never missed anything... ever.

But as long as she came to dinner, I was fine.

God, the redhead had cried tears when she had found out I had ditched her for her blonde friend only hours after I got her. But well, I only wanted redhead for the conquest, but the blonde...

The things she did were just amazing.

I grinned, hopping I would get to see her later tonight after dinner. Dinner. Summer. And instantly my thoughts were back on her. I sighed, unable to enjoy where the blonde was placing her hands on my leg without worrying about her-

"Did you hear?" One of the guys behind me whispered, "They say that Summer H. was seen getting into a car with Will M. I thought it was joke but when neither of them showed up in class..."

My fists tightened instantly, that had better not be true, because if it was...

Will was so much deader than he was one hour ago.

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