Chapter 21- On the road again

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Peetas POV

Im driving the car; bored. Everyone else is asleep and im not goig to risk playing on my phone. Not when my friends and girl friend are here. But i really need something to disract myself from falling asleep. I pull over at the next road side stop and close my eyes.

The next thing i know is that i'm being shaken awake by Katniss.

"Peeta, baby wake up" She whispers

I open my eyes, its not dark yet thankfuly. "What time is it?" I ask turning the car back on and start driving

Katniss checks her phone "3:17am. Do you want me to drive? You'r tired" She offers

"No thats okay, you can keep sleeping" I say "We only have 10 minutes left"

"Okay" She whispers "But i'm not sleeping"

KAtniss gets out her phone and turns around in her seat and takes a photo of Finnick and annie sleeping. Finnicks got her arms wrapped around annies body and there heads are leaning on each others.

driving with @Peeta_is_hungry, @Annie_cresta82 and @Sexy_sugarcubes, on the way to chiacgo with the bestest friends. She posts on insta gram.

We both laugh a little

 "Katniss?" I ask

"MmmmmMmmm" She says

"Have you been having nightmares every night?" I ask

"Ever since i was 14" Katniss repli es

"oh ,katniss" I whisper

Just then finnick wakes up as we drive into the outskirts of chicgo

Gossip, Boys and Friends ||an everlark fan fiction||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora