Chapter 13- Date

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Chapter 13

Katniss P.O.V

"There you go Katniss" Peeta says pulling out my chair for me.

I smile and blush, before sitting down.

"What would you like?" A waitress asks getting out her pen

"Ummm.....The 12 pack of kids nuggets and chips with extra sauce please" I say laughing. Im such a child.

"And for you ho..Mr" The plastic blonde says. I immedatly get jealous she was totally about to say hotty.

"Um The roast beef and veges, and we will have another bowel of chips with extra gravy to share to please" Peeta says ignoring her slip of tounge

"hmmhmm.. Now anything to drink?"

"Um the best red whine youve got thanks" Peeta says

"Okay, your meals will be out shortly" The waitress says giving me a glare and then leaves. And i thought i was jealous.


After we have our meals, Peeta takes us to the beach via a frozen yogurt make your own place. I have a large cup of berry yogurt toped to the full with whipped cream.

We walk along the sand eating, my feet relaxing at the solft souch of the sand.

"Do you want to sit down. " Peeta asks

"Sure why not" I answer

We sit down on the soft sand. The sun is just seting over the horizen, the colour is beautiful like Peeta.

"Thats my favourite colour" Peeta suddenly says as if he could read my mind. I hope not, he does not want to know what i think.

"Its beautiful" I say setting my empty plastic bowel down on the sand

"Like you" He says smiling

I blush "No way"

"Yes you are your beautiful." Peeta says

"Stop lying" I retort.

"Im not and you know it."

Peeta slowly leans in towards my face. My heart beat is going a hundred miles a hour as his lips get closer and closer to mine. There's just a small gap between them when i fill it by kissing him.

His lips are soft and he tastes of flour and peaches.

Peeta pulls away and whispers "Whats you favourite colour?"

I poke my green painted toe nails out from under the sand "green"

He kisses me again and this time it deepens and we end up makeing out.


A cool brease comes in through the open car window and i shiver. Peetas window is broken and his waiting for a part to fix it.

"Here" Peeta says offering his dark blue converse hoodie

"thanks" I quickly pull it over my head and i smells of Peeta.

Soon Peeta comes to a stop outside my house. I lean in and give him a kiss

"would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks. WHAT!

I try and act cool "Yes please."

He smiles and kisses me again before walking me to my door.

"Bye beautful" He says

"Bye hotty" I say inbetween kisses

"Bye" He whispers and gives me another kiss before walking back to his car.

I stare after his car lights untill i cant see them down the road, before going inside.

I quietly head into my room and change into my pjs before getting into bed. i have a boyfriend.


Yay 500 words not incluing this paragraph, Sorry about the spelling again i am on my macbook. PLease comment and vote!




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