Chapter 2- The tributes

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I pull up in a car park, next to a seven seater Four wheeled drive and hop out. All the seats are full and when the driver gets out I feel like fainting.

He is so gorgeous! He has Ashy blonde hair that falls lazily across his face and piercing blue eyes like the sky.

His gaze meets mine before I quickly turn around and start speed walking towards the main building.

I feel like I can feel his eyes on the back of my head until I turn the corner. I lean up against the wall and sigh, so completely dazed by his good looks.

I get snapped out of my trance when someone stumbles into me and I loose my balance.

It's one of the boys that was in the car with my dream boy. I start to fall backwards until a pair of strong arms catch me and set me back with my feet planted on the ground.

I whip my head around and stare into the eyes that belong to the handsome boy.

"Careful there. Wouldn't want to get hurt" he says "i'm Peeta"

I nod mumble a quick-"thanks" and rush down the hall towards what I think is the Principles office.

Although I mind is telling me 'no' I turn my head towards the two boys who's friends seem to have joined them. No one is facing my way besides the boy. Peeta, who is staring at me.

I turn around again and knock on the door. a loud booming voice allows me to enter. I open the door to the office.

There's is a very big and tall desk dominating the room whilst little bits and pieces are spread about.

"Hello, I'm err.. Katniss Everdeen I'm hear to pick up my schedule and locker number and...stuff" I say

"That's right, I remember your father ringing up about you starting here today..." Principle Snow says

"He's not my father" I mutter cutting Snow off.


"Nothing!" I say quickly "now my schedule?"

"Oh yes, right here" he hands me two pieces of paper "enjoy life at Panem High, we pride ourselves best on our students. We also take our mocking jay logo very seriously and it is required for each student to participate in at least one extra curriculum activity. Now hurry off or you'll be late for you classes"

I nod and scurry out of the room. I follow the map given and make my way to my new locker. Once there I freeze.

The seven people including Peeta from the car are surrounding my locker as Peeta collects books from his. The one next to mine.

I'm about to order them to move when the red head notices me. "Oh sorry are we in your way?"

She doesn't give me a chance to answer though, before starting to talk again "guys shove, the girl needs to get to her locker"

The group shuffles over towards Peeta's as he closes his locker and only then notices me.

"Hey I know you!" The boy who I recognize who made me almost fall over "your that girl who I nearly broke the bones of. Sorry about that, didn't see ya there"

"That's fine" I say and use the given pass code to unlock my locker

"I'm Finnick, by the way. Finnick odair. The sexiest guy you'll ever meet at Panem high-"

"Oh shut up!" The red head says and slaps Finnick on the back of the head "ignore him, he's just up himself, I'm Annie. This is Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, Finnick and Peeta. We call ourselves the tributes"

"You named your group, tributes" I ask

"I wanted to call us the sexy sugarcubes but everyone said no, so I just made it my Instagram name." Finnick says and it actually makes me laugh

"It's nice to meet you guys" I say grabbing my stuff out of my locker and closing it again

"Same goes" the clove girl says. She has dark hair that falls to her waist although tied in a pony tail and brown eyes the colour of rich chocolate.

"We'll we better get moving. Got classes to catch. What class do you have um..." Annie starts


"What classes do you have Katniss?"

"Err....English with Mr Abernathy" I say after looking at my schedule

"Yay, same as Me, Annie and Clove" The girl with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes who Annie named Glimmer. What a funny name.

"Alright, you can come and hang out with if you want" Annie offers

"That would be great" I say and we start to walk down the corridor

"Welcome to the victors. Aka the popular group" Cato says. Popular group. that's....different

"Well bye, see you at math" Finnick says then yells over everyone else in the hallway "make way, hottest boy ever coming through!"

I laugh along with the others before I call out "hey Finnick!"


"More weights, then you might make it into the top three."


Hey guys. Second chapter now uploaded. I would like to find out more about my readers, please answer these questions in the comments

1) age. No I am not a stalker I just want to know what age span reads my story.
2) favorite hg character for any of the books
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