Meet Them. Hear Them. Kiss Him.

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After the movie I went to get ready for bed. I put on some pajama pants and a big shirt. I got on Youtube seeing a video of Kayla on my dash. My name was the title. Of course I played the video.

"Rayna I hope you watch this but to anyone else Rayna is my sister that I lost for eight years. I know you're mad at me and all of us but I miss you. I've fought over people talking about how we never wanted you and that wad never true! I haven't told anyone that I seen you but please call me so we can talk in person. My number is in the description box. I love you Ray"

I saved her number to my phone then went to sleep.


I felt so rejuvenated when I woke up this morning. It's Friday. Maybe that's why. I showed some love to Tigress before taking a shower. Yeah I named my kitten Tigress. It's unique and I like it a lot.

I wore a pair of black denim short shorts, an oversized purple Adidas hoodie, black low top Adidas, a black leather jacket, and a purple beanie. I took care of makeup and accessories and went to the kitchen to make breakfast but there was already a box of donuts on the kitchen island along with a cup holder containing three foam cups of something hot.

I went to check on Jonah seeing him in a woman's arms. She looked like August. She looked at me gasping. She put Jonah down and walked up to me putting her hands on my shoulders.

"You are so beautiful! I see why August wanted you full time. I'm sorry for staring but your eyes are amazing. I have to speak with my son about letting you quit cleaning and start modeling for me"

"Uh Thank you Mrs.Alsina"

"You're welcome sweetie. I brought breakfast. I'll go wake August you go eat" I nodded and went to wake up Kye. I helped her get ready and did her hair for her. We went down to the kitchen and I grabbed two small plates. I put a glazed donut on both and poured her some milk.

She ate while I took the lid off of one of the drinks to see what it was. A french vanilla cappuccino with caramel drizzle on top. Delicious. I heard yelling from upstairs and got confused. I disregarded my confusion and got a donut with one of the cappuccinos.

We ate our breakfast in silence feeling the tension all the way downstairs. I heard Jonah cry and ran up to get him. I sat down in the rocking chair rubbing his head. August walked in and closed the door.

He sat down on the couch across from me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. She's just so controlling and mean!"

"That's weird. She bought us breakfast and told me I should be a model"

"Well she probably said that because it's true" I smiled at him for complimenting me. "But she brought us breakfast to hide her true self under a nice gesture"

"Well what happened between you two"

"She kicked me out a long time ago. We were fighting a lot about random shit and she kicked me out of the house"

"Oh. What's she doing?"

"She left"

"I think I want to go um see my family today. I had some time to think it over and I shouldn't hold a grudge"

"That's good. Did you want to borrow my keys and go over there?"

"August I can't drive. I don't know how"

"Wait seriously?"

"Well I've never had to drive and Naomi never taught me"

"Oh. Well I'll take you then. You ready?"

August Alsina's Maid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now