Chapter Twenty - Eight

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"They're here!" Data screamed "Data, I thought you set boobytraps?" I asked "I did!"

"Then wh-"

"there's no time for arguing, come on! Let's get out of here!" Brand said, pulling my arm. I pulled datas. And we started running into one of the tunnels.

Stef was holding my hand, while I held onto Jonah's.

we were at a bridge or something like a bridge anyway. But it was slippery. And there was nothing to hold onto while crossing it.

Brand was the first one to cross, he almost slipped. Until Andi pulled his sweater.

Stef, Andi and Brand made it across. Me and Data were in the last of the line.

"Someone's coming!!" Stef held her hand out for me to grab, I immediately grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.

"Data, come on! Don't be a fool" Mikey yelled. I looked back towards Data.

Looked like he had an idea "Oh man, Data what's going on?" I asked. "I got an idea guys! Slick shoes" Data pulled a string from his chest. "What? Slick shoes are you insane?!" Me and Mouth yelled in unison. Data had a smile on his face, he slowly crossed the log.

I looked behind Data, the fratellies
were standing there "Hey fellas, remember me?" One of the dudes asked "Nope, see ya dickhead!" I yelled with a sarcastic smile.

"say that again and I'll shoot." The guy held up a gun & then shot up, Data did something for them to shoot at us. Almost shooting mikey.

I grabbed Mikey's hand, "come on Mikey."

He held onto my hand and I pulled him up.


"Does anyone have a match?" Brand asked "No, why would we have matches?" Mouth said,

"Use the light." Kelsey said, turning around to make sure the Fratellies weren't coming  "good idea." Data pulled out the candle and lit up the candle. "I thought you said no one had matches?" I looked at the boys with a puzzled look.


There was light around, I could see something from a few feet away.

"wow.. guys look" I whispered while walking towards the thing, "whoa.." Kelsey mumbled

There was a skeleton. It looked really scary honestly, "radical!" Jonah said,

I looked at Jonah. He shrugged "It looks cool"


"June, or Mouth, translate this." Mikey held up the map, everyone looked at me "what?" I asked "Translate it." Mouth said.

I groaned, grabbing the map away from Mikey "to move on.. play the tune, as each note will be said.. if you make too many mistakes. You will surely be-"

"surely be what?"

"Come on June, what will happen?" Andi asked, "muerto.."

"What does Muetro mean?"

"Dead.." I trailed off, i then handed Mikey the map. "Oh man.."

"So we gotta play the bones to get out of here" Brand says.

"exactly" Mikey said. I stared at Mikey, "You serious?" I asked "Yes. Yes.. look! Behind the map. There's notes, like piano notes." Mikey flipped the map, he pointed to the notes "Andi, you took piano lessons." Stef says "Yeah, four years ago Stef!"

"Come on Andi! Our lives depends on you,"

"Yeah, Thanks a lot." Andi says sarcastically,

Andi started getting anxious, "I'm trying to find middle C. This is nothing like my mother's."

She hit one note and the passageway for the door opened a little, "oh my god it's working!" Brand yelled in excitement.

"Good work Andi" I cheered, she forced a smile on her face, "okay.. um Uh- I don't know. A.. B-"

She hit another note and this time.. the horn blew, it wasn't the right one.

Mouth yelled, the ground broke. Mouth almost fell. Until Stef and Andi grabbed him.


They pulled him back up, I looked over at Mouth. He looked scared. "You okay?" I mouthed, He nodded.

"Andi! Stop hitting the wrong notes for crying out loud! You took piano lessons didn't you!?"

"Four years ago alright?"

"Okay.. maybe this one. Oh god I hope" Andi hit another note, it was the wrong note. Because brand almost fell over.

I grabbed brand and pulled him up with the help of the rest.

"okay.. umm- A Flat." Andi pressed down, the door opened a little more.

I smiled "Keep going!"

"they're coming you guys!" Data came running towards us, making Andi tip over. She hit random keys. The horn blew again,

The ground broke into pieces.

Making me fall, I felt them grab my arms, "I got you. I got you, June don't worry" Mikey says, I closed my eyes. I didn't want to look down. It might make me faint and I don't think fainting would be a great idea right now..

They all pulled me back up.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?!" Kelsey asked, "yes Kelsey, I'm okay." I said as I hugged Kelsey.

"I cant tell if it's an A Sharp or a B Flat." Andi says "hey, if you press the wrong note again.. we'll all Be Flat." Mikey chuckles a little, Andi sighed.

She pressed down onto the key, I looked towards the door, it opened all the way.

"Look!" I yelled.


LOSER > THE GOONIESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora