Chapter Twenty - Three

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another rock came down, the four were close to getting hit.

"Run faster, goddamnit!" Mouth shouted at the three teens and Data.

They finally reached where we were in, I looked at Chester Copperpot, seeing the key that Mikey had.

I jumped off the small tunnel that we were in,

In contempt of me getting hurt, I grabbed the key.

"June what the hell are you doing?!" Mikey yelled "trying to die Mikey, what else?!" I yelled back with sarcasm.

"June, get back up here now!" Jon yelled "you're gonna die."

I ran back to the tunnel, with the help of Mouth and Brand, they pulled me back up just in time, because the rocks were just hitting the ground when they were pulling me in.

I landed on someone, I didn't care who it was. I just held onto the person, closing my eyes.

"June! Don't ever do that again. Jeez, scared us half to death." Kelsey says while holding her chest. "you stupid! Could've got killed!" Mouth hit my arm "Ow, Jeez Sorry" I said as I opened my eyes.

"Shh, wait.. sounds like someone's down there." Brand says, he crawled to the wall. A rock was covering up a hole, I looked at the person who I was laying on. It was Mikey.

"Oh.. hello" Mikey says, his cheeks got a whole different colour.

I shook my head while getting off him.

I went to Brand, "help me move it June." Brand says, and I do as what I was told, I helped Brand moved the rock out of the way and oh boy it was heavy.

"Umm.. guys, I think god put that there for a purpose.. and I'm not so sure you should move it... or something" Stef trails off, Brand looks in the big hole on the wall. "Hello?!" Brand yells.

All we heard was just his echo, until a few seconds later. A billion bats came flying out of the hole.

I jumped out of the way, leaning onto the side of the hole. I watched as the bats were all around the gang. Stef yelling about rabies, Mouth trying to get them to sit like dogs.. Mikey hitting them away with his inhaler.

man, is this really what I'm friends with?


"Thanks for the help guys. We appreciated it!" Kelsey said sarcastically, referring to me and Brand when we just watched them get attacked by bats.

"They were just little bats Kels. What the hell were we supposed to do?" I asked, "I don't know, um whack them away with something?" Kelsey says.

"There was no sticks. And we didn't want to hit you guys with rocks.. that could've been a better idea though." I smiled. Kelsey gave me a glare "Shut up"

I shrugged, as I turned my head towards Jonathan.

"Hey Jon?" I asked, "hm?" He replied, not looking up at me.

"Jon." I repeated, "Yes?" Jon finally looked up. "You're oddly quiet. Why?"

"Just, thinking about stuff." He says "like what?" I asked, "stuff alright? I'd rather not speak about it." He said turning his head back down.

"okay, sorry I asked." I said. Whoa.. why is everyone being such a bitch all of a sudden? Gosh


After a few minutes, we found the end of the small tunnel. I couldn't tell where we were.. Oh please does anybody?

I overheard someone speak, it was Mikey and Andi, I didn't care what they were talking about because I was focused on myself, I felt dizzy again, but I know I wasn't gonna faint any time soon. I already had taken my pills twice today. It won't happen.

Or unless it's because I'm hungry or just tired, or maybe even both. Ah jeez..

"uh, um.. this might get dangerous Andi.. you might wanna hold my hand." Mikey says, he puts out his hand for Andi to hold.
"Thank you!" Andi accepted the handhold.

I crawled out of the hole, dusting myself off once again. So did everyone else, I looked around. Seeing water fall down,

"Whoa, guys look!" I pointed out,



we walked closer to the water, and what we saw was insane. There was shiny stuff all around! 

"Wow, It's a giant piggy bank!" Data yelled in excitement. "Look at all this neat stuff!" I ran in the water, splashing some of the others.

Everyone was clamouring about the sliver stuff.

I took a look at the coin, "wait, a minute.. this isn't even the rich stuff.. this is a wishing well." I threw the quarter back into the water.


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