Chapter Twenty - Four

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"What?" Stef asked, "this is such bullshit, how are we supposed to even find the rich stuff if there isn't no rich stuff?!"

I sat on the rock that was in the back of me, "I thought you believed in it?" Mikey asked "well, I don't anymore alright, I just wanna go home now.." I put my hands in my pockets. "I agree one hundred percent with June.. man Mikey what are we even doing here? We're gonna get ourselves killed.." Brand sighed.

"You know I always used to believe that when you threw your money in.. It'd become your wish." Andi says. I saw Mikey and Data talk about the coins, they were shoving it in each other's pockets

Then Stef walked to them, telling them that it was somebody else's wish and dreams.

"Yeah... but you know what? I wished that my mom and dad wouldn't work so hard, and that they would have enough money to pay for our house.. But It never came true.. so what's the point anyway?" I asked the gang, they all gave me a sad expression, "and right here.. this one? This was my wish.. and it never came true. I'm taking them back... I'm taking them all back" Mouth held up a coin. Then dived into the water, searching for the rest of the coins


My feet was in the water, I didn't care about my shoes getting wet at this point. All I could ever care about is going home and eating, I need food!!

The sound of a quarter or whatever the hell that was, hit the rock that was under the well.

It caught all of our attention.

I didn't know who it was, Andi ran to the rock, climbing on top of it.

"Hey! Whose down there?" A voice called

"Troy?" Andi asked

oh man..

"Andi?" Troy chuckled "yes Troy it's me, can you please send down the bucket and the rope?"

"What the hell are you doing at the bottom of a well??"

"Don't ask any stupid questions, we're stuck down here. just send down the bucket and the rope!" Andi shouts,

"See guys? Wishes do come true." I heard him say. "Now I'll just work my magic, and Andi will feel pleasure later on."

I felt disgusted on how he spoke to his friends about Andi, I mean.. like I don't hate Andi or anything. she shouldn't be treated like this, she deserves to be treated with respect!

I walked to the rock, as I climbed onto there I looked up and saw Troy with his minions.

"Hey asshole for brains!" I yelled "don't disrespect her like that! She's an amazing girl who has feelings, And you're just a jock who is an idiot. Now you can either send down the goddamn bucket and rope or you can get a real beating. Pick it!"

Everyone in this area gasped.

"just send the bucket down Troy." I heard one of the teenagers say, Troy groaned.
"You're so dead June."


The bucket was finally down. Andi was the first one to go in, since brand was in charge and he picked who to go first.

"Chester Copperpot, Chester Copperpot.. Chester Copperpot.." I heard Mikey whisper.

"Chester Copperpot!" He shouted, we all turned our heads to Mikey. "Don't you guys see? Don't you guys realize? He was a pro! He never made it this far.. look how far we've come guys, we got a chance." Mikey said, he stared at all of us. "if he didn't make it out Mikey, what makes our gang so special? We won't make it out alive." I said, while I put my hand on my hip

"And a chance at what Mikey? Getting killed? Look if we keep going someone's gonna get hurt real bad.. maybe even dead." Andi says "besides we gotta get to the police."

"Maybe chunk got to the police" Mikey says, staring at Andi. "What if chunks dead?"

"Don't say that! Never say that, Goonies Never Say Die!"

"I'm not a goonie.. I want to go home." Andi said, tying the rope around her body.

Mikey looked down "I forgot... but still! Don't you realize? The next time you see the sky.. it'll be over in another town, the next time you take a test.. it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best stuff for us. But right now they gotta do what's right for them, cause it's their time.. Their Time! Up there, but down here.. it's our time, Our Time.. our time down here.."

we all looked at each other.

"That's all gonna be over, if we ride troys bucket."

I sighed, looking at Jon. He had a smile on his face, he then nodded.

I climbed down, standing by Mikey,

"goonies or not.. we stick together." I said glancing at Mikey.

He had a smile on his face, "see.. come on guys."

Andi got off the bucket, taking off Troy's sweater placing it onto the bucket.

We could hear Troy yell something, but I didn't know what it was.


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