Chapter Twenty

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Back to June's Pov;

I think out of all of us, I'm the most paranoid one. I don't like crowded areas, I always think it's coming in close.

I looked back at the tunnel, no one was following which was good.. I think.

I didn't know where I was going until I felt someone in front of me. "Oh.. hey, you okay?" I heard a voice say. It was Jonathan.

"Yeah. I'm fine, why?" I asked while looking around, "I don't know, you're just really looking around and you seem kinda odd."

"Me? I'm always odd." I said as a joke, He laughed "Yeah, I can see that." Jonathan teased. I punched his arm playfully, "Ouch" he says sarcastically, a laugh escaped my mouth once again.

this kid isn't that bad.

I looked at the other teenagers. I saw Mikey with Andi, Brand way in front, Data and Stef with Mouth..

I feel bad for Stef and Data, they have to stand by an annoying chatter box.

I could feel someone look at me and when I looked at Jonathan, he was staring at me.

"What? is my face dirty already?" I asked, while I wiped my face, he chuckles "No.. Um, it's just you're real pretty June, you know I like the month of June." Jonah says, my cheeks were a bright red, I could tell he was trying to say something else but what he said really made me smile.

"be quiet lovebirds." I heard someone say, I think it was Brand. We looked at the group of people, everyone had their eyes on us.

"What? We were just talking." i said as I kept moving.

"exactly" Jon went along.

"You know I like the month of June, really dude?" Mouth nudged Jon with a smirk, Jonathan laughed. "Can you not?"

I smiled turning my head towards the group.

And just when my eyes landed on Mikey, his head turned away. Looked like he was staring at someone, probably Andi..

I sighed softly, leaning my head onto Jon's shoulder. "You need to talk about something June?" He looked at me, with those ocean blue eyes. I shook my head no.

"No, but thank you anyway Jon." I smiled, He gave me that serious stare.

I put my hands on my face, I groaned "alright.. alright, I'll tell you but, you must promise not to tell okay?" I asked, He nodded quickly.

"Pinky promise me."

He stuck out his pinky, I did the same and we entwined our pinkies together.

"you know.. I really like someone, but he doesn't know it. And it's really bugging me how he doesn't know.. he's just doing these things that really makes me sad, and I always take it out on myself saying stuff like.. 'He doesn't like you.. leave it alone' I always feel like that, I always feel like.. I'm not, Ugh.. I'm not good enough. It's pretty obvious he wants someone else besides me..I like him, a lot I just don't know how to tell him." I told Jon he kept walking. Not saying anything,

"Well.. aren't you gonna say something?" I asked, "oh.. right, sorry, June.. if he likes you back. He could've gave you the signals, has he got jealous of you talking to other boys? And has he grabbed your hand out of nowhere? Like out of the blue?" Jon asked, turning his head towards me.

"I don't know, he's confusing as hell." I said, Jon showed a little smile. "Yeah, us boys can be like that."

"Well, kinda? I guess.. I don't know!" I said as I threw my hands up.

"June. It's okay.. You'll find out sooner or later" Jon laughs "I hate this." I sighed.

I heard him mumble but I couldn't make out what he said.

I didn't bother to ask what he said.


Me and Jon were still in the back of the group, laughing and joking around. Until the group stopped at some kind of pipes.

I heard Stef yell at someone, "you broke my glasses!"

"Who do you think did it?" I whispered to Jon, "I bet it was Mouth or Mikey." Jonah replied.

I quietly laughed. "I would say it was chunk but he's not here."

We walked to the front of the group, Mikey, Data and Brand stood by some sort of doorway.

"Data do you have a light?" Mikey turned Data around "I said I was in charge." Brand shoved Mikey, "Data.. you have a light?" Brand asks Data, Mikey rolled his eyes.

"A light.... oh sure guys! Back up, back up!" Data moved back a little,

I was behind Mikey, then Data opened up his jacket. Two lights came on.

"Holy shit Data!" I yelled covering my eyes, all of us did actually. It was bright, like real bright.

That thing can blind someone within seconds.

No wonder why he calls 'em that.

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