Chapter Nineteen

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Third Person's Pov;

June fell back onto her back, "June!" Kelsey yells running towards her sister who was on the floor.

"Is she dead?" Mouth asked "no idiot. She just fainted" Stef smacked Mouth on the arm "ow.. I was just asking"

"June.. june, wake up." Jon shook June, who wasn't waking up. "She's breathing but she won't wake up"

"No shit Sherlock, that's what fainting means." Brand rolls his eyes. "get some of that water Mikey, I'll splash some in her face." Kelsey says, Mikey nodded "wait.. this won't hurt her right?" Jon asked "Of course not!" Kelsey said,

Mikey handed Kelsey the water.

"Thank you" Kelsey says then splashed a little in June's face. She blinked.

"Oh thank god!"

"she's not dead! Cool." June looked at Mouth "what? What did I say?" Mouth asked, "Shut up Mouth" everyone said in unison.

"okay, okay." Mouth sighed. June felt someone grab her arm, and when she looked down at her arm.. then back up, she faced Jon. "are you okay?" Jon asks.

June nodded "I'm okay. Just a little dizzy"


June kept her eyes off of the fridge where the body was, she couldn't even bare to look. Who would've thought a 13 year old faints after seeing a dead body. Ha yeah..

"the door!" Data yells, catching everyone's attention, including June.

I walked towards Mouth and Data. "what the fuc-" the next thing you know, June's Mouth was covered by Kelsey.

"oh Jesus.." Kelsey let go of Junes mouth,

The sound of the wooden floor squeaked, walking towards the kitchen area.

"pizza.." Chunk says "shh!" Brand. Data and Mouth said. "Pepperoni.." Chunk continues.

"Chunk if you don't shut up I'll make pizza out of you!" June said rather harshly.

They overheard the grown ups argue about the pizza, Which made June chuckle a little.

"what's so funny?" Mouth asked June, but June just shrugged "I'm mental." June said sarcastically. "Duh! They're fighting over pizza, how stupid is that?" June whispers then laughs a little more.

Mouth rolled his eyes, then smiles at the dorky girl who had a big smile on her face.

They were looking up at the slick wooden floor, to only see nothing but dust.

"Come on, maybe there's a door that'll lead outside" Brand whispers, June looks over at Brand "there's no other way out, besides that door upstairs and the window." June says.

"oh god June, just hurry!" Kelsey grabbed June's arm.

"there's no other way out, I'm telling you guys! There is no way out besides the door upstairs and the window!"

"the tunnel June?" Mikey asks, "are you insane Mikey?" June asked her best friend who was looking at the tunnel, "Mikey! Mikey come on!" Brand whispers/yells "It all starts here.." Mikey mumbles.

"man, I wish you two are right."

Kelsey was still holding onto June. "You can let go of me now." June says "no, I'm not letting you out of my sight. Not again" Kelsey said as she looked down at her sister.

"Kels.." June trailed off. "fine, just don't take off!"

"Where would I even go?" June said with a laugh.

"A lot of places." Kelsey replied back, June rolled her eyes.


June couldn't see what was going on because it was dark, plus Brand had the light. And he was talking to Chunk.

"chunk.. go get the police" Brand whispers "what?" Chunk asks "Chunk, we're in serious shit here, go get the police." Mikey says,

"I'm scared, what if they find me while I walk out?" Chunk asks, looking at Brand and Mikey.

June didn't want to do it but she had to, she had to pull bitch mode. June pushed Mikey and Brand out of the way

"Go. Get. The. Police. Now!" June says, "y-yes ma'am!" Chunk quickly gets up off the dirty floor. "the window chunk, the window." June says as she points to the window.

Chunk ran to the window, but he had to make a loud noise first.

"oh my god Chunk.." June face palmed "Sorry.."

Mikey pulled June's head down, "come on June, he's going now. Let's go" Mikey said.

June sighed softly glancing at Mikey. "I hate this"

"Hey, and you don't think I do?" Mikey smiles at June. "kinda" June shrugged.

Miley laughed quietly

"move, move, move! Hurry" Mikey told everyone in that crowded area.

"we can't move that fast bozo." A voice said, it was Jon who said it. "don't call me a bozo, four eyes." Mikey fires back. "guys can't you two not do this?" Andi yells at the two boys.

Thank you Andi!

June thought to herself.

This is gonna be one hell of an adventure.

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