Chapter Twenty - Five

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"Who's gonna take the blame June?" Kelsey asked, I made a face at Kels. "I will. Since I did drag you"

Kelsey laughed,

"Yeah, you did."

I smiled, noticing that she was joking around.


Mouth was translating something from the map for Mikey.

"copper bones, westword phones, triple stones.." Mouth says, "Triple stones.. this must be copper bones!" Mikey held the skeleton.

"I wish I had a little sister.. why couldn't I have a little sister instead of that?" Brand points at Mikey, he then slides down while leaning against a wall.

"Believe me Brand. You wouldn't want that" Kelsey says, I hit Kelsey on the arm. "Hey! I was kidding"

I leaned up against the wall also, but on the other side.

I know I'm gonna be in so much trouble when I get back home, or actually that's if we even get out of here..

The sound of something rolling caught our eyes, I adjusted my sweater.

"Oh no.." Mikey mumbles "Mikey what the hell did you do now?!" Brand yells.

"It's another one of Willy's tricks, get out of the way!"

I ran towards Kelsey and Jon. I looked at Mikey, And Mouth. We didn't see Data anywhere

That's until we heard screaming

"Data!!" Andi shouted

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.." I repeated myself over and over again, "he's dead. Oh man.. oh Jesus, he's dead." I covered my eyes.

I buried my head into Kelsey's chest,

"Data.. please don't be dead. Please."

I couldn't bare to see Data If he was dead. I didn't want to look at all.

We heard a response come from underneath, "Data?!"

"Guys! I've been saved." Data calls out "oh thank god." Mouth cheers.

Everyone else cheered, thankfully Data was still alive. I let out a breath of relief.

"wow, guys! There's another room down here." Data shouted from at the bottom.

"another room?" I asked "Yeah! Come down"


All of us climbed down with the help of Data, there was a death trap underneath where we were. And Data could've gotten killed!

"I want to go home, my feet are killing me. I have a major headache. Feels like I'm gonna puke. Ah good lord" I fell onto Mouth.

mouth caught me right before I was gonna fall straight face down.

"June, stop." Mouth said, lifting me up.

"Fine, fine"


"Pee break.. does anyone need to go?" Mikey turned around, staring at all of us.

"I do" Data said "me too."

"Me third."


" basically everyone yay." I cheered with a tone of sarcasm.

"Why are you always so sarcastic?" Jon asks. I shrugged "I guess it's just in my blood princess." I smiled, He scoffed "Whatever dude."

"Alright.. this tunnel is the little boys room, and on the right is the little girls room" Mikey said, pointing to the left and right tunnels.

Me Kelsey Andi and Stef walked to the right while the other boys go to the different direction.


"Are you serious right now Andi? We're probably gonna die in this crap hole, and all you can think about it kissing Brand?" Kelsey asked her friend, "that's all I can ever think about.. Brand." Andi says sounding all in love.

"this isn't the time, nor the place for this!" Stef argues "Trust me guys.. I know what I'm doing." Andi says.

She started calling out for Brand, me Stef and Kelsey walked back to the main entrance, where we were.

I walked past by Mikey. Looks like he was going to check on someone.

"Hey Mikey." I said, he turned around "Yeah?"

"Umm.. do you think we can talk about something? It's important." I said "well.. if it's important and for you, we can talk right now." Mikey said as he walks to me.

"It's not that important Mikey, we can talk about it soon." I smiled, "June! Come look at this." I heard someone shout, I knew that voice. It was Jon,

"I'll talk to you later okay?" I said, he had this sad expression on his face "sure.. see you" he walked off.

I think I got feelings for this boy... this is gonna hurt real bad.


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