Chapter 23: Escape (1)

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Tae Min'gyu


I could feel my body temperature dropping. My whole body is in pain. A strange cable is attached on my wrist. As I opened my eyes, a dark room greeted me, only the light of the monitors luminated the room. As I moved, my head throbbed in pain.

What happened?

The last thing I remembered was, I was walking home then something hard hit my head.

I looked around my surrounding. On the other side of the room lies Shinwoo Han. His hands and legs are binded. A some type of cable is attached on his wrist. On my left side lies Ikhan Wu. Just like Shinwoo his arms and legs are binded and his wrist is attached with some sort of cable.

Not long the automated door opened and a woman clad in black entered. I remained calm as I watched her check Shinwoo and Ikhan. She injected some sort of fluid to them, then she approached me.

"You're awake." She said. "I'm surprised that you're able to stay calm."

I only remained silent.

She took a syringe and filled with it some fluid. She took my arm and without any warning injected the strange fluid into me.

"Argh," I tried my hardest to bear the pain and not make a sound, but it's too hard to ignore the strange pain crawling from my arm.

"Chill. You won't die. It's just the first sample. Not  yet complicated." She said.

"You won't get anything from me." I said and sharply looked at her. "It's pointless to torture me."

She laughed as if amused by what I said. "Who said I'm torturing you? But then again, it could be a torture. It will hurt a lot anyway."

She walked to my side and caressed my cheek. Her eyes glint sinisterly. I didn't even need to ask her plans. It's too obvious that she has some devilish plans in her mind.

I wasn't afraid. However, I have no plans of being used as an animal for her stupid project. Escaping and resisting would greatly put me in danger.

The anonymous woman stepped away from me and left the room. Whatever it is that she injected in me is causing turmoil inside me. I feel weak and strange, my eyesight is getting blurry and my head is getting heavy.

Not long, the woman came back. She walked towards me again beaming like an excited kid.

"I don't think we need proper introductions but I think you need to know the name of your master." She said. Her eyes looked at me with authority. There's an aura of danger surrounding her.


What is she planning now? To make me her stupid pet? Or is she expecting me to follow whatever she says. Is that what I'm supposed to do? Is that what that strange thing should do to me?

If so, it didn't worked, and I can just fool her.

I looked straight into her eyes and remained silent.

"Ignes Kravie. Remember that, from now on you will follow my orders." She said and her eyes glowed.

I already noticed earlier that her eyes are ruby. Quite rare for a human to have. Still, I can't deny that those ruby eyes are mesmerizing and beautiful. For some odd reason, I feel lured.

"Yes, master." I replied.

She seems happy with my reply. However, I still have one goal in my mind. To escape.

She freed my wrist and legs. She also removed the strange cables attached to me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do but I remained lying down waiting for my next order.

"Stand up" Ignes ordered.

Without saying much, I obeyed. She seems vey pleased. Now I'm starting to believe that whatever is injected on us is supposed to control us.

"Keep an eye on them. If one of them wakes tell me, through this" She said and handed a small earpiece, her ruby eyes glowed again and for some reason I couldn't look away.

I feel confused. Am I myself or am I following her orders. Why do I find her attractive? Why does it feel like I'm lured.

Ignes left the room, leaving me confused. I waited for a few moments to see if she will return. When she didn't came back, I started observing the whole place. There doesn't seem any surveillance camera installed in this room. The room is not well lit. The way it looked like is much more of a dungeon torture room. Some sharp objects are placed on a table across the room. Strange syringe and chemicals decorated the place.

Ikhan stirred and moved in his metallic bed. He's awake. Shinwoo followed. Like I expected, they were confused and they panicked.

"Where are we?! Shinwoo!" Ikhan squirmed and glanced on his bestfriend. For a moment, I'm not quite sure what to do.

"Ikhan! Are you alright!?" Shinwoo asked.

They're getting too noisy and they haven't noticed me. Im getting a little tensed. They have to remain calm or I won't be able to formulate a plan to escape.

Shinwoo, glanced on my direction and he froze. He turned pale and I watched as his expression changed. He's furioused. I know why. He thinks I betrayed him. Which is good. He has to believe that. I should play the bad guy part until I know where we are.

"Tae? Where the hell are we? And why are we binded? Whats going on!?" Shinwoo asked furiously.

I too don't know where we are, stupid. "Be silent." I said.

Shinwoo, of course, didn't like that. It's not like I can explain what's going on.

I saw him gritted his teeth in anger. If it was possible, he could broke those leather straps that  are binding him. Ikhan, on the other hand is the total opposite of Shinwoo.

Ikhan seems terrified, a tear is threatening to fall from his eyes. But I didn't paid much attention to him.

If I wanted to help them escape, I have to know the way out. Hence, I have to call Ignes and pretend.

"Why are you doing this!?" Ikhan yelled at me. Im getting a little irritated at them, if I know where we are then I would lead them out.

I turned my earpiece on and called Ignes. "They're awake." I said. I could hear her chuckling. She sound like a little devil on my ear.  It's annoying.

"That's great." I know she's grinning on the other side. She didn't say much and I turned off my earpiece.

I noticed a lighter on the table filled with sharp objects. I took it and slipped it in my pocket. Ignes arrived so soon. My stomach twisted a little.

I think I already have a plan and I don't need to play this pretend game any longer.

Chapter End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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