Chapter 19: Confronting Akai

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Akai Fukoda

"--should we wake her up?"

"Of course we should."

Indistinct noises is what greeted me first as I gain consciousness. I kept my eyes closed as my senses slowly recovered. The effects of the syringe that the principal injected on me hasn't worn out yet. My whole body feels odd, an odd burning sensation covered my neck.

'heck! That principal has his own unique strategies to corner me!'

I kept my eyes closed for several minutes, waiting for my senses to fully recover. Suddenly, something cold yet caused my skin to burn made me open my eyes and perk up. I hissed and gasped with the sudden sensation.

What I saw first, as I opened my eyes is the white ceiling and the glowing florescent. As I lowered my head, familiar faces is what I saw. Very familiar; they're the faces that I refused to confront and harm. It's because of some reasons.

I hissed and glared daggers at them.

"Chill, it's just a bucket of ice. Well, a bucket of ice that reached -30° Celsius in temperature." The short haired man said. He was holding a small bucket; I don't even need to ask because it's obvious that he's the one who poured the bucket of ice on me.

My eyes roamed around the house. I saw Raizel sitting down liesurely and drinking something, probably a tea. Beside him is Regis and Seira. The two were looking at me without any complex emotions. Before me are the three security guards. Then, a few meters on my side is the principal. Everyone is observing me.

I only remained silent. Unable to speak, unable to form any words.

I glanced at Raizel. Attempting to find something behind his crimson eyes. He only glanced back at me and continued drinking his tea. An action that I don't understand.

Have I judged them wrong? On what side are they anyway? The good side or the bad side?

I have been avoiding to confront them it's because I believed we have the same thoughts and objective, to bring down the UNION. I didn't care if they had a bad attitudes, so long as they could help us bringing the UNION down then it's alright.

Raizel seems like a good guy to me. So, at the thought of him, I would always think of him as a 'citizen' not a 'cyborg' or 'mutant'. It seems impossible for an innocent looking guy like him to be a 'villain'. But then again, I don't even know him.

I breathed softly and leaned on my chair. I feel uncomfortable with my binded wrists. For some reason I can't use my skills.

"That's futile. We used your wristband to bind you. Don't think of freeing yourself as well, we tied your wrists with a wire." A stern voice spoke and caught my attention.

My eyes slid on the principal who stood just a few meters beside me.

"So what's this? A kidnap?" I asked and snickered.

"No. Never thought I'm a type of a shady guy." He said. But the last part were spoken lowly as if muttering to his self.

"This isn't my style anyway. We couldn't think of a better plan to confront you." He said.

For a moment I wanted to laugh. If they want to talk to me they could just speak and not tie me. It seemed like there's something else. A deeper reason for binding me on a chair.

"That's lies." I said with a mocking tone.

Principal Lee smiled. His lips moved as if he has something to say but I cut him off before he could say something else.

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