Chapter 2: An abnormal strenght

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[P.E. Time]

"One! Love!"

"One! One!" Our class representative scored my classmates tennis match. His voice is loud enough to gather everyone's attention.

P. E. Time.

Everyone is in their P.E. uniform. It's my first time around and so I was not prepared. One of my classmates lend me her P.E. shirt and insisted for me to join the class. She said she has an extra. Sui Lim, that's her name.

Sui handed me a P.E. shirt earlier in the locker room. I insisted that I won't be joining the class and so there's no need, but she's very adamant. She insisted that I join the class. I really want to refuse but Sui is just persistent. I ended up using her shirt and joining this class.

It's not that I hate this subject that I am refusing Sui's shirt. It's just because, I'm not ordinary.

I'm fast, strong and I heal quick. I don't even get tired easily. These strange abilities of mine has only one explanation. I am modified . I really hate admitting this fact. There's nothing I can do but hide the truth.

"Fukoda, volleyball will be next. Your partner is Yoona Sue" our class representative interrupted my thoughts. Hyun Joon, that is his name.

Hyun Joon (O.C.) is a varsity player of Ye Ran High, and our class representative. He has a short hair that's a bit messy and always has this stern and firm look on his face. One would not make a mistake of messing up with him.

I nodded and stood up from sitting on the grass.

Yoona Sue...

My eyes slid to a woman with a long brown hair.

I've already memorised the names of everyone in the classroom, also including their looks. If I'm not mistaken, Yoona is the one who is conversing with Sui and Shinwoo. Shinwoo is the heavy sleeper of the class. His grades are very poor, despite this, he is very famous for his talent. He is very good with martial arts and won a tournament. He is probably known by the gangsters of this city.

The teacher asked me earlier to play some sports so I could catch up with the class. I'm behind the class lessons because I just transferred late.

"So who will be my opponent?" I asked

Hyun looked at Shinwoo and pointed him.

"Shinwoo Han and..." He paused and searched the crowd, he then pointed a boy with glasses.

"Ikhan Wu "

My eyes scrutinized the nerd...

Ikhan is not very athletic. He is better with academics but not with sports.

A heavy sleeper and a nerd...

"Prepare yourself at the court" hyun said

I just noticed something.

That handsome boy is not here. I haven't seen him around.

"Hyun, have you seen my seatmate?" I asked

Hyun's expression slightly changed. His stern eyes loosened as if his unimpressed or disappointed.

"Oh..."he scratched his neck and sighed. "You mean Raizel? He's always excused. Seira and Regis are excused too." He said
"Sheesh, just because their rich they act like royals..." I heard him mumbled, it seems like Hyun hold some resentment towards the three transferees.

"I see..."

"I'll get going." Hyun excused his self and left.

Raizel, that is my seatmate's name. His whole name is actually a mouthful one. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel. That is his full name. His name won't even fit the class record. Even the teachers find it hard to memorize his name. Well, because he has a perfect look, he got some fans and his fans gave him a nickname. Rai.

Enough about that ridiculous story.

I glanced at Yoona. She waved at me. She's holding the ball, I guess we'll be serving first.

Across the net is a red headed delinquent and a nerd. Shinwoo yawned and scratched his nape. Ikhan is still wearing his eyeglasses, but he attached some kind of rubber on its handle to prevent it from falling.

I sighed

I just wish Ikhan wore some contact lenses instead of eyeglasses. It's not really comfortable, plus, eyeglasses might lead to accidents.

Hyun beckoned for us to start.

Yoona breathed in softly. Her eyes are full of spirit, eager to win.

She dribbles the ball and tossed it high and sharply strikes it mercilessly. She really is taking the game seriously.

As soon as Yoona strikes the ball, Ikhan automatically moved and dived hoping he could counterattack. Sadly, Ikhan is too slow. The ball landed on the ground before he could touch it.

"Score! One point for team A by Yoona!" Hyun announced our score. Ikhan flinched, clearly irritated on his loss.

"Shinwoo! You have to help me and focus!" Ikhan scolded his friend. Shinwoo only smiled. Ikhan picked up the ball and passed it to me.


My greatest fear has arrived. It's my turn to serve. I glanced at Ikhan with a wry smile. Damn, can I just pass?

Ikhan seemed to be confused. He didn't seem to understand me.

"Do your best..." Yoona whispered and smiled at me. Now I feel terrible! Yoona, even if I just take it easy, the ball will probably still fly with great impact!.

I only nodded.

Just like Yoona, I dribbled the ball and tossed it high and striked it. I only striked it weakly, but the ball flew with great impact.

Ikhan froze. Unfortunately, the ball is headed towards him and it's too late to stop it.

I bit my lip and hoped he'll be fine.

Everything happened so fast, actually. I know very well that Ikhan was done for but...


A silhouette appeared and a sharp sound of striking silenced everyone.


The ball landed sharply just beside me...

The silhouette's figure cleared... It was Shinwoo Han, the delinquent that I underestimated.

*Thump* *Thump*

My heartbeat slowed down.

What was that? I could've sworn that it was already too late for the ball to be strike back. Also, Shinwoo is two meters away from Ikhan. Was that distance enough to save Ikhan?. Isn't two meters a bit far?

"Shinwoo Han!, Why did you kick the ball!? You should strike it back with your palm!" Hyun broke the silence. It seems like he's the first one to gain consciousness. The rest of the class also seems shocked.

Shinwoo scratched his head and smiled apologetically. "Sorry~" he said.

I swallowed.


I know very well that it was impossible to react on those last seconds. Yet, Shinwoo was able to do it.

Shinwoo... Is just abnormally strong!

Just who is he?!

Is he... From the UNION?

Chapter 2 end~~

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