Chapter 13: Confront

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"So tell me, Akai. Who are you?" He said, his eyes shone with murderous glint.

How the hell did they hacked my phone?! This guys are not just an easy opponent.

I breathed out softly.

I stood up from crawling on the ground and brushed off the dust on my clothes. I looked at him without any expression and only glanced at the phone on his right hand.

This isn't an easy matter.

So, this guy isn't ordinary at all. From the first day I met him, I had this feeling that his modified. So, I was right. If he's modified then I'm sure that his two companions are the same as him.

This guy must be associated with those who have been making a fuss with the UNION. This few months an unknown group just wiped out DA-5. One of the most crucial and strong group of the UNION. It's highly possible that he's involve with them.

Stupid Akai, you have your eyes locked on a wrong person after all. I should've focused more on them instead of observing Shinwoo.

The worst thing is, they seem to be observing me for so long. They've planned to confront me for a long time now. It feels like I stepped on their trap.

I glanced at the students through the window.

"Hey, are you not going to talk? Have you become mute?"

This guy has some rough tounge. Does he act like this towards everyone?

My amber eyes slid on him.

How much has he discovered?

I'm sure that he didn't just read the messages. He must've decrypted some files and copied them to their computer. So, if they already copied the data,then he doesn't need the phone anymore.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir. Please return the phone." I said and reached for my phone, but...

I guess I should've just knocked him out.

"Oh, you want the phone? Sure, here."


A crisp sound of an object being destroyed covered the room. It sounded like a terrible tune on my ears and I could feel my blood boiling.

This guy has some terrible habit of provoking people.

I looked at him coldly. My fingers trembled in anger.

"Oops, I gripped it too tightly." He snickered and released the crumbled phone. Several pieces hit the ground and released an awful tune.

*Cling* *Clang*

The metallic sounds of my crumbled device made my blood pulse in anger. The more I listen to it the more I become mad.

"Y-you..." I stuttered. I wanted to curse at him and rip off his jaw. But I know, this isn't the right place.

This is a school, if I kill him here it would cause a huge uproar. Plus, I don't even know how strong he is. Fighting him will cause a huge chaos at this place. Some students might get endangered.

"Y-you bastard..." I growled.

This guy just got me cornered.

He broke my phone because he know that breaking it will give them huge advantage. He doesn't need it, but I do. Breaking my phone would cause a lot of interference with my work.

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