Chapter 6: Hang Out With Us!

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Days has already passed since I started spying.

I've continued doing my job spying in this school and observing Shinwoo. So far, I discovered nothing about him but his strength.

I could just tell the higher ups about this and he could become a candidate to be recruited, that is if he isn't involved with the UNION.

Things been going smooth. A few days ago, Dexter gave me a wristband that helps me suppress my strength. Because of that, I've been doing a good job in P.E. class. Lots of clubs wants me to join their group as well. My skills in P.E. class made a huge uproar in the campus. It's becoming a bothersome to me, I'm thankful about the wristband but I want to curse it as well.

"Damn, I can't even enjoy my youth." I thought out loud.

I was disturbed when a group entered noisily. It was the famous group of Raizel. Whenever they arrive they would disturbed everyone who is conversing peacefully with their grand entrance. Shinwoo is the one who would alarm everyone with his loquacious mouth. He would enter the room with his big mouth in the midst of their conversation.

"Tsk." I clicked my tounge clearly irritated.

I'm already sick with him. I've been observing him for so long that I lost interest on his face. I actually find him annoying.

I used my headphones to block his stupid noise. Damn for some reason I feel irritated with his presence.

I closed my eyes to ignore their group, but I felt a presence before me. Someone sat down on a free sit before me.

I opened my eyes and Yoona's smiling face greeted me.

"Do you need something?" I asked with no interest.

She smiled coyly.

"I just wanted to thank you for yesterday, if it weren't for you I might be limping home." She said. I could clearly see that she is embarrassed with this.

It's not really a big deal for me. I only treated her for some odd reasons.

"It's nothing. I only gave you some bandages." I replied boredly.

Her eyes widened. "But you treated my ankle!" She exclaimed in whispers "I can even walk properly now! You know that twisted ankles takes atleast two days to heal right?" She added.

Ridiculous, she's whispering yet everyone could hear her. Anyway, Dexter's magical bandages worked. That's a good news I guess. I guess Dexter is not a bad inventor for someone who is self proclaimed.

I did treated her ankle but I don't want her to think that she owes me. Firstly, she would just annoy me if she would force herself to repay me with kindness. Second, I don't need her kindness, I'm not being rude but I'm fine with myself. Really fine with myself.

"Yeah... Anyway, your welcome I guess..." I dismissively replied. I tried to sound kind but I'm not good with pretending to be a 'saint'.

"Hang out with us later, okay?" She said and returned to her seat without waiting for my reply.

It took a while before I realized what she said. Wait, what? Hang out with them? later?

I don't even know if this is a good idea. Of course as a spy I need to interact with my classmates to gain information, but I just promised myself not to repeat my past, not to repeat my history.

Perhaps I could just refuse their invitation.


Lunchtime already. Currently, I'm being pestered by Yoona and her friends.

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