Chapter 20: Rhapsody Of Tragic

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Akai Fukoda

As my eyelids closed, my memories that are kept hidden for so many years flowed. It felt like watching my own life. Watching my own dramatic and irritating life.

What was her question again?

From what organisation am I?


I really wished I just pretended to be under her control.

Her words were like spells, dragging me to my deepest thoughts and I fell to a deep reminiscence...

"What's your name?" A woman with a black mask covering her nose down to her chin, asked. Her eyes were scrutinizing.

I looked at her lifelessly. Uncaring.

"Akai Fukoda." I replied, not even interested in the very least.

Her eyes slowly moved from my eyes down to my chin and down to my wounded arms. I found myself subconsciously covering them with my hands. Tightly gripping my wrist.

"From now on, you are now a member of us." She said.

...member of them?

Come to think of it. From the very beginning it wasn't my choice to join them. She just decided that I'm a part of them without hearing my opinion.

That woman.....she appeared to be nice at first. When I finally stepped inside our headquarters, I then saw the darkest colors of them. Hypocrites.

"Remember Akai, if you find an opportunity to escape, grab it and leave this place. Don't come back."

One of my co-agent said that. At first I didn't understand. But then I finally understood when I accidentally saw it. I accidentally saw it.

Thousands of young teens and kids are placed in a tube, filled with unknown fluids. Though they seemed at peace, the awful truth is they are drowned in their endless nightmares. At some corners, I could hear some loud and sorrowful screaming of the kids. A strong stench of blood covered the place.

Underneath the seemingly ordinary headquarters, lies the most awful and sorrowful secret. My organisation is secretly experimenting on young teens and kids.

My organisation?

No. Not my organisation. I'm not part of them.

From the very beginning, I never wanted to be part of this.

When I followed the woman in a black mask, I thought I was going to be saved. But, I was wrong. As the days passed by, I was losing my freedom with every seconds passed. Before I knew it, everything was already too late.

"Myrtle!! Run!"

"No!! Akai!"

The low temperature of the surrounding made my body more cold. I could see smokes as I breathe. The awful weather is not helping me too. As the rain dropped and drenched my body, I could feel all my senses fade. My body has gone numb.

"Do you really think you can escape?"

Her cold voice sent chills to my spine. My entire body tensed, a strange sensation covered me. Goosebumps.


I heard her dagger hissed as she unsheathed them from its scabbards.

I couldn't see her because I've focused my sight on my only friend.

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