Chapter 14: "Akai, who are you?"

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[short chapter]


"Akai is modified?" Frankenstein asked in bewilderment.

Truthfully, they've been observing Akai ever since she transferred. The reason is because M-21 sensed something odd about her on her first day. At first M-21 couldn't determine what it is, but he soon had a guess.

It was during P.E. time, when Akai, Shinwoo and the others were having a match. When Akai tossed the ball, she couldn't properly control her strength. That's when M-21 guessed, Akai is modified.

Everyone doubted M-21's suspicion at first.  They couldn't really sense anything weird about Akai so they couldn't agree with M-21. M-21 suggested that they should observe Akai. This is one of the reason why M-21 had his eyes glued on Akai when she visited.

Tao and Takeo only supported his intuition. Tao hacked and gathered all the data about Akai's past. He even investigated her enrollment form that she passed on Frankenstein. Unfortunately, everything on her papers and profiles are true. This made him confused. He couldn't really believe that Akai is modified. There were no classified information about her. He investigated and investigated but couldn't find anything.

"It's a little bit impossible, but I saw it on my monitor, boss. She broke the door and windows with some sort of force." Tao said, but soon regretted doing so. Frankenstein twitched his brows after hearing what Tao said. The classroom where his master studies is been messed up.

"And you weren't able to catch her, why?" He asked coldly.

"Shinwoo just disturbed us. He appeared infront of me and asked lots of questions. I don't really think I could just shove him aside or avoid his questions because it'll be suspicious. Plus, I can't tell him the truth." M-21 explained.

Frankenstein felt like he'll be having a headache. A worst one. Only few days passed after his huge battle in Lukedonia and another mess appeared. If it weren't for Gejutel visiting, they wouldn't even have the need to visit Lukedonia. Now he resented Gejutel even more.

"Does that goes the same for you two?" He asked and looked at Tao and Takeo. "Are you telling me that there are three Shinwoo's and they disturbed you all at the same time?" He sarcastically asked.

The three flinched. Frankenstein seems to be in awful mood today.

The reason why Frankenstein is upset is because he's worried that Akai is a threat to them. There shouldn't be any problem with him because he's strong, but he couldn't ignore the fact that Raizel is the most endangered one in this group. If possible, all threat must be eliminated as soon as possible.

"Of course not. It wasn't Shinwoo who disturbed us. Yoona and Ikhan came looking for us. They said that they needed our help to calm down the students." Tao explained.

"Of course I could've stop Akai, but Ikhan urged me to help them." Takeo explained in advance.


Of course their reasons are not enough. Frankenstein thinks that their reasons are shallow and not valid.

"We actually refused them and it took us few minutes to convince them." Tao said.

Frankenstein pinched his nosebridge.

"Tao, what is her identity?" Frankenstein asked.

"Oh, Akai is a student from Tokyo High, Japan. She is actually well known for her achievements in sports." Tao started explaining as he turned on the huge monitor hidden in their dining room.

The huge monitor lowered and showed images and files of Akai's past.

The pictures of her looked so young. Very very young, like 8 years old or maybe younger.

"At an early age, she won few sports and martial arts competitions. She's actually very athletic." Tao explained. He then pinched her nosebridge.

"But I couldn't find any files and documents about her agency or her current workplace. Not even a single file about her modifications. It means, she's secretly modified." Tao said.

M-21's brows furrowed.

"Is she not an agent of the KSA?" M-21 asked.

Tao breathed deeply and turned off the monitor, frustrated.

"No, she is not an agent of the KSA," Tao said.

Does it mean that she's from the UNION? But she's secretly modified!

Everyone's thoughts went chaotic. And as if sensing their questions, Tao spoke again. "She's not from the UNION as well." Tao said. Which made everyone became wary.

Not from the UNION and not from the KSA? Then who is she?

"Is she an agent from Japan Government?" Takeo asked.

"No, not an agent of Japan government nor any of the countries. She's not registered on any of the organisation. Which is very suspicious." Tao said.

Frankenstein eyes flickered. He has decided. Whoever this woman is, she will die an awful death if she is a threat.

"Tao, find any whereabouts about her." Frankenstein commanded.

"Yes, boss." Tao said solemnly. Frankenstein nodded in satisfaction, just then, he remembered something.

"What happened to those two KSA agents?" He asked.

The trio looked at each other. Their brows twitched visibly. Something terrible just happened. Much terrible than just broken doors and shattered windows. Something that will take days to fix.

Sh*t, it's not our fault. Those guys started it.

Tao turned on the monitor and showed their messed up school. Takeo and M-21 only flinched, not ready for Tao's action.

"!!" A massive headache just fell on Frankenstein's head. He couldn't even speak. He dropped on his sofa and sat down, frustrated. He then massaged his nose bridge. No need to ask 'what the hell just happened?'

"*Sigh*" Raizel only sighed and stood up from his seat. He then patted Frankenstein's back in sympathy.

"..." Everyone was silent, they don't even know what to say.

Chapter 14: end~~~~

”if you are tired rest, it's okay. But never give up. Remember, every man needs a rest"

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