Part 28

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We all played truth or dare for a couple more hours. I don’t think we played it right exactly, because it involved the guys daring Niall and I to do crazy things like wrestle, which was actually really fun. We kept the whole Lion King theme going from earlier and kept yelling “Pinned you again!” as we wrestled. The only other interesting thing that happened was I dared Harry to prank call Ed Sheeran. He didn’t pick up, but Harry left a weird message pretending to be a fan girl. The night was winding down and we were all getting tired of the game.

Louis: Can we all go to sleep now?

Liam: Yes, please!

Zayn: I’m down. I’m starting to loose my edge.

Harry: Same here. (Niall and I exchanged looks and laughed)

Liam: What is so funny to you?

Lindsey: I’m sorry guys, but we were just thinking of how out of it you’ll be tomorrow.

Louis: No fair! We’ll be just fine!

Harry: Maybe.

Louis: Hey, Lindsey?

Lindsey: Yes?

Louis: Can we all sleep in your fort tonight? Like a giant sleepover?

Lindsey: Why not?

Louis: Yay!

No one really opposed Louis considering in his state, he would probably have pitched a fit about it. We all found different spots in the massive fort to sleep in. Louis and Harry were cuddled up in the corner and Zayn and Liam were sleeping near each other on the other side. Niall and I were sitting up in the middle of the fort surrounded by pillows and blankets.

Niall: Are you not sleepy?

Lindsey: I guess not.

Niall: Now, why is that? Normally you’re always the tired one.

Lindsey: I guess I just don’t want this night to end.

Niall: Well then how about I give you some good news to end the day with?

Lindsey: What news?

Niall: I mixed up the dates. Our concert isn’t until Friday. I thought it was earlier in the week, but it’s not. (he smiled at me) Meaning we have more time together.

Lindsey: That is definitely some great news. (I looked at my hands in my lap and sniffled)

Niall: Sweetheart, what’s wrong? (he took my hands and I looked at him) I thought you’d be excited.

Lindsey: No, I am. I promise. (a tear fell from my eye and Niall wiped it away with his sleeve) I just know that spending more time with you will make it that much harder for me to say goodbye.

Niall: Baby. (he pulled me over so I was sitting next to him with his arm wrapped around me) It’s not a goodbye. I’ll be back to visit as soon as I can. And we’ll talk everyday and text all the time. I love you, Lindsey.

Lindsey: I love you, too. (tears kept falling down my face)

Niall: What can I do?

I smiled at him, trying to dry my tears. He’s rubbing my back with one hand and squeezing my leg with the other. He looks so worried, and I don’t want him to be. I finally pulled it together and stopped crying.

Lindsey: But hey, maybe this means more boat rides? (I smiled)

Niall: Who knows. Maybe even something better than a boat ride. (he winked)

MomentsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon