Chapter 9

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Over 600 reads? That's mad. I can't even begin to thank you people. *blows a thousand keeses* Some time has elapsed from the last chapter to this one, I just felt it was needed to move the story along. :) ALSO, I just wrote this in less than six hours, making it almost 2 AM. Which is quite record breaking for me. VOTE AND COMMENT, please. I love you all, Liam and Georgia love you all, and that is that. :D 



"LEE LEE DON'T BE A STICK IN THE MUD" I jumped about twenty feet in the air as Louis swung by me. Literally, swung. He had begged me to come with him to the old playground, five blocks from the flat. I had eagerly agreed, but only because Georgia and her boyfriend would be coming over later. I tripped over the word, even in my mind. Georgia had a boyfriend. I stuck out my tongue at the thought. They'd been dating about two months, ever since meeting one another through her friend Marianne at a dance club. 

The first time I met Alex, I had thought he was like a lost professor, just trying to find his way to the library. His perfectly pressed trousers and button down oxfords, paired with his horn-rimmed glasses and intelligent and deep American accent just added to the illusion. That made it just a little easier to think of him as Georgia's. A harmless academic, someone who would treat her right. But then she had entered the room, and the way he looked at her... frankly, it scared me. It scared me for her. It was more than desire, which was definitely there, but it was a sly look, hungrily eating up every glimpse of her. I didn't like it, and for awhile I thought it was just me, being biased and secretly infatuated with her. But I soon found out that Harry felt the same way. One night after Alex dropped Georgia off at the flat, Harry had taken her into his room, and I heard then arguing about Alex when I walked by. I grimaced, remembering.

"Come off it, George! You know he's a creep. Bollocks, he treats you like crap, like you're just some low-class whore he calls when he wants to get some! God. Why can't you see that?" Harry had yelled at Georgia's back, her facing the window and away from Harry's verbal wrath. She mumbled something I couldn't hear. "He's not like that?" Harry had yelled in response, voice escalating in pitch and volume at the end of the sentence. "You know damn well what he's like, Georgia. I just never thought you would be this stupid..." 

I had walked away after that. I didn't want to hear any more. At first, when Georgia started bringing Alex round, I had felt literally sick to my stomach every time she mentioned him. I wondered why she had let him catch her so quickly. I had thought that she and I... well. I had a lot of thoughts about she and I. I opened up to Zayn about it one night, and he revealed to me that Harry had told Georgia the incomplete version about what happened between Sadie and I that day in the dressing room. Harry just didn't know that I ordered her away, so naturally neither did Georgia. Which would explain the hurt and betrayal I saw on her face whenever she actually deigned to look at me anymore. 

I kept on thinking that, maybe if she knew, she wouldn't have said yes to Alex. Then maybe she would be with me, and we'd both be happier. But I was never good with those types of words, so I let the issue stand between us. I finally did call Sadie, just to stave off the loneliness that came with seeing Alex and Georgia together, and we had been out a few times. But those dates always left me drained, emotionless, and above all tired. Nothing like the high-energy that always came when I was with Georgia. It seemed ridiculous that it took losing Georgia to make me finally admit that I had wanted her in the first place. Since then, things had been strained between Georgia and I, and though we sometimes crossed paths in the wee hours of the morning, we never ventured out together anymore.

I could see the changes on her too. She was losing weight, and fast, and no matter how hard she tried to hide them, there was the odd bruise here and there. Fingerprint bruises on her wrists and arms, and one time, a hand imprint close to her neck. I didn't think anyone else had noticed them, and I only did because I was so hyper-attuned to everything that she did. The other boys got confused when we were short with each other, or whenever I mindlessly worried over her when she was out with him. The truth was, I simply didn't have the heart to tell them my suspicions. Especially Harry. 

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