Chárter 40 Zombie Problem

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Faith POV

The next day came and it was a stormy day on the Nemesis

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The next day came and it was a stormy day on the Nemesis. I wanted to take Predaking for a fly but when I saw the thunder outside will that made it impossible. I was bored so I decided to visit Knockout.

So here I am listening to Starscream annoying complained who was on the med-bay with us.

"Oh will my torment will never end. First I have to deal with Megatron favor against that treacherous harpy Airachnid. Now I must contend with Shockwave and his incorrigible beast" Starscream complained.

"Hey more respect he's my Sire and that beast is my pet" I said with a glare.

"Oh look on the bright side Starscream at least one of them is currently on ice. Locked up tight in a vault of our warship" Knockout replied.

"Oh how would love to stuff Shockwave in his mangy abomination right into that stasis pod beside here" Starscream said not caring about the warning that I just gave him a minute ago.

"The only reason his project Predacon is currently in full swing is because I supervised the acquisition of his dozens of Predacon bones..." Starscream started but then stop once Silas who's in currently in Breakdown body strap down on a medical table began to groan.

"Will you please keep your lab rat quiet while I'm airing my grievances" Starscream exclaimed annoyed.

"Will now you know how I feel when I have to hear you complained Starscream" I replied.

"Starscream help me" Silas said earning a laugh from Starscream.

"My, my, my whatever have you been inflicting upon poor Silas" Starscream asked.

"Hah well anything that merits the need for a living petri dish" Knockout said while adding the Green Energon that Ratchet the time that he capture me.

"Despite your justifiable lack of regard for his human side. It doesn't trouble you to watch what remains of your former partner endure your scientific endeavors" Starscream asked.

"Not really beside Silas once had poor Breakdown pinned to his lab table. I think my former partner would be pleased to be a part" Knockout replied.

"Agree" I said.

We then see as Silas goes to shut down mode.

"What just happened" Starscream asked.

"You recall that synthetic Energon I recovered from the Autobot. Well, I've been reproducing the formula to test its viability as an alternative energy source. However, the compound remains erratic and there have been side effects" Knockout explained.

"Such as," Starscream asked. Just at that moment, Silas body came back from shutting down with a scream.

"Starscream I hope you replaced your T-cog because I'm gonna tear it out all over again and feed it to Knockout" Silas threat.

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