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Brian's PoV
Heart? Broken. I've never felt my world just break into two pieces. I felt.. incomplete. Sal left me alone under the tree and I just felt ashamed and foolish of myself. I sobbed and buried my face into my hands. I heard the grass rustle.

I felt arms curl around my shoulders. I felt someone's nose against my cheek. "Don't be sad Brian." I heard the soft sincere voice of Casey. Joe came and hugged me and so did James. Bessie held my hands telling me to calm down in a soothing voice.

I saw someone walking towards me. I heard the grass rustle. I saw the person's shoes. Their shoes were Nike's. The person kneeled down and looked at me. I looked at the person's face. Kyle?

Kyle's PoV
I regretted ever becoming Anthony's friend. Brian and Sal didn't deserve that. I just felt bad for the boys because people just made fun of their sexuality. I felt mad and guilty at the same time. Guilty for ever becoming Anthony's friend.

I walked out and Anthony just yelled after me. I was walking to the park until I saw Brian and his friends under a tree. And Brian was crying? Shit. I sped walked over there and knelt down in front of him. He looked up at me.

"Kyle?" Brian said in confusion. I nodded my head. He wept away the tears to make it look like he didn't cry. "W-what are you doing h-here?" He asked. "Well, I felt guilty for being Anthony's friend. So I just left him and I saw you, and I decided to make sure you are okay." I said.
Brian's PoV
I roamed the school hallways with eyes shifting my eyes. I kept my head down. Kyle ran to catch up with me. He was my friend now. He patted me on the shoulder. I saw Sal and he looked at me but mean and he looked at me like if he regretted ever having a relationship with me.

"Hey. Just ignore him alright Bri?" Joe said. I gloomily nodded and just walked with Casey, James, Joe and Kyle. I sat next to Kyle and Joe. Knowing I can trust them.
I just got out of school and I walked to the park by myself and sit under the tree I sat when Sal and Brian ended things. I grabbed my book and began to read. It read:

He ended things. When he left me, I realized that I met my soulmate. He didn't. We first became strangers, then friends, then best friends, then lovers. It didn't end as lovers. Our story ended with us becoming strangers. As much as he meant to me, I meant nothing to him. He came back to my house one day, I opened the door to see him. His hair damped and water droplets coming down his hair. I just closed the door and just ignored what I did. He ended things.

I kept reading my book until I saw someone in front of me. I looked up and this is the last thing I would do. See Sal again. He looked sad and gloomy. I was still upset.

"Hey um Brian. I'm sorry about the other day. I still love you. Will you take me back?" Sal choked the words out. I felt anger inside of me. I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Don't pretend you're sorry! I know you're not!" I shouted at him.

I knew I instantly regretted saying that.

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