•2• The New Kid On the Block

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Brian's PoV
Two words for you.
New Kid.
He's looks at me and tries to copy me. Me and Sal were talking about Star Wars. I know. Typical nerds.
I see Anthony. He smirks and comes over and pushes me out the way. He puts his arm around Sal. I sneer at him.
"So Sal, you like Star Wars?" Anthony asked.
"Yeah! My favorite Obi Wan Kenobi!" He exclaimed.
"Mines is Luke Skywalker." He said.
He cheekily smirked at me. I gave him a glare and angrily walked away.
Joe comes by.
"Hey buddy what's up?" He says.
"Oh hey Joe! Nothing I'm fine!" I lied.
I look at Anthony and Sal.
"Nothings wrong Brian? You're looking at Sal!" Joe says.
I roll my eyes and sigh.
"The truth is.. I don't like Anthony. He is such an asshole!" I said. I looked at the ground.
"Don't worry bud. I'll ask him if he likes Sal. I'll be by your side don't worry." Joe said.
I look up from ground and smiled. I hugged him. He went up to Anthony.
Joe's PoV
I went up to Anthony.
"Hey Anthony. Hey Sal. Anthony can I talk you for a second?" I asked.
"Sure buddy." He said.
I pulled away far away from everyone else.
"Ok. What do you need to talk to me about?" Anthony said.
"Alright Anthony. Did you like Sal?" I asked quickly.
"Umm." He said.
"I um.. I d-d-do." He said.
I shocked in gasp.
"Ok thanks just wanted to know." I said and I quickly left.
"Brian!" I yelled.
Brian ran to to me.
"Yeah?" He says.
"He umm he does." I said.
Brian's PoV
I shocked in gasp.
"HE DOES?!" I shouted.
He nodded his head nervously.
I can't believe he likes him. New kid on the block likes Sal. My question is: Does Sal like him?

JealousyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ