•3• Dear Diary,

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Brian's PoV
I flopped on my bed and looked up at my ceiling. I looked at my desk and saw a little notebook. It was my diary.
I decided to write inside of it.
Dear Diary,
I just like to say, I really don't like the new kid. He's just irrelevant. If I would describe him in three words it would be trash, stupid and moron. He's taking away my friends except for Joe. He's taking away Casey and James but most importantly Sal. Apparently he's better than me. It's been 2 years since I met Sal and I still haven't confessed my feelings. I bet he likes the stupid, boring Anthony.
Each night I put my head to my pillow. I try to tell myself I'm Strong because I've gone one more day without Sal. I might hug guys, laugh with other guys but none of them mean as much as Sal.
I put my diary down. I turn on my TV and watch Doctor Who. I hear a knock on my door.
"Brian honey. Your friend Joe is here."
It was my mom.
"Ok thanks ma." I said.
I went downstairs and saw Joe. I gave him a hug.
"So bro wanna go to the arcade?" Joe asked.
"Sure lets go!"
"I invited James and Sal and Casey. Is that fine?" He asked.
"One thing. Is Anthony going?" I asked.
"No he isn't." Joe said.
I nodded my head and we headed to the arcade.
We got to the arcade and saw the other guys. We hugged each other and went inside. We played some games.
"Joe come on you can beat the game!" I exclaimed.
He failed. Joe started to yell.
"I hate this overprice bullshit! Son of a bitch!" He said while kicking the machine.
Sal touched my arm and asked me.
"Brian can I tell you something? Privately?" He said.
I nodded my head. We went outside.
"Alright Sally Retro what did you need to tell me?" I asked.
Instead of him telling me, he cups my cheeks and kisses my lips unexpectedly.

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