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"Where's your brother and Chica?," Bonnie asked sleepily.
"Don't ask," I said. He gave me a questioning look. "They had some fun last night let's just say that,". A blank and disgusted look crossed their faces. "Yeah,".
"I lost my appetite," Foxy said. We finished eating breakfast and we washed our dishes. I heard someone come down the stairs and saw Chica in baggy sweat pants and over sized shirt.
"So nice new clothing Chica," I said looking at her kinda disappointingly. She cocked her head to the side. "So you fucked my brother last night," I blurted out. Her face turned immediately red and she ran upstairs. 
"It's so gross," Goldie said shivering.
"I know makes me wanna barf," I said. Goldie walked over and kissed the top of my head before heading into the living room. Foxy gave me a piggy back ride into the living room with Bonnie in tow. 
"So what's the agenda for today?," Goldie asked. 
"Ya know what we're gonna go camping," I said. I got up and walked up the stairs to go tell my bro. I knocked on the door before entering. 
"Come in," I heard him say from the other side of the door. 
"Wanna go camping with us?," I asked.
"Not really," He said.
"I don't either," I heard Chicas voice come from somewhere.
"My god you two," I said. I walked back downstairs and asked the boys. Bonnie and Foxy stayed back to have some guy time. So it was just Freddy and Goldie going camping with me. I packed up camping equipment and had the boys pack up some clothes and other essentials. 

"So did you two ever go camping?," I asked them.

"Yeah, but we don't remember anything," Goldie said. Freddy shook his head in agreement. 

"Okay," I said. I picked up some of the bags. The boys took the rest of the bags. We walked outside and into the  woods outside. I decided we are going to camp under the old angel oak tree. After a while we got there and set up camp. 

"So what now?," Goldie asked.

"We just enjoy nature," I said wondering off into the woods. I walked through ferns and underbrush between small trees and massive ones. I heard the sound of rushing water. I wandered toward the sound. I came into a field with a HUGE waterfall at the end. It was taller than a 4 story building. So between 43-45 feet. The water rushed into a large pond. I walked to the edge of the water and looked down. It's crystal clear through and through with fine sand. Little tadpoles swam around along with a few fish. I took my shoes off and rolled my pants up. I stepped in and let the cool water wash against my feet. I looked up the waterfall. I heard foot steps approach me and I turned around. There stood Goldie giving me a questioning look.

"Why are you standing in a pond?," He asked.

"Because it's nice," I said.

"Ya mind if I join you?," He asked.

"I don't mind at all," He said. I heard him slip off shoes and socks. He waded into the water and stood next to me his pants pulled up. Then Freddy joined us. I got bored and splashed around in the water getting my pants wet.

"You're getting your pants wet!," Freddy exclaimed.

"So?," I questioned giggling. "It's fun," I said kicking water up at him. 

"Ah hey!," He exclaimed kicking water back up at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue back out at me. We played around in the water before heading back to the camping ground. By the time we got back it's already time for lunch. We lit a fire-i refused to bring any cooking stations that include propane, only fire-. I cooked lunch which was hot dogs potato salad and chips. We all ate in silence before throwing away the trash in a trash bag I had brought. we also cleaned the dishes we used.

"Okay, so what now?," Goldie asked.

"Idk," I said.

"We can go play in the pond," Freddy offered.

"Yeah!," Me and Goldie both exclaimed at once. I raced Goldie to the pond. I almost won but he was too fast. I splashed into the water and dived in. Goldie and Freddy chased after me. We splashed and played around until dusk. 

"We should head back (Y/N)," Freddy said.

"But I don't wanna," I said.

"Come on we haven't eating dinner yet," Goldie said trying to reason.

"Nu!," I exclaimed like a little child. I dived back under the water dragging Freddie with me. They played with me a little more before getting me to head back to the camp. We made food and decided to go to bed. Freddy and Goldie laid on either side of me. Of course my face got red as they wrapped their arms around me and cuddled closer. Comfortably I quickly fell into a deep sleep. 

I woke up to a slight purple color in the sky. Yes, sunrise. Both boys are asleep so I decided to leave and find a place to watch the sun rise. I hiked for a little bit and found a ledge where I can watch the sun rise peacefully. The sun was halfway on the horizon when I heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me to find Freddy. 

"I really have missed watching the sun rise," Freddy said. He walked over to me and sat down. I leaned against him and he put his arm around me.

"Me too, even though I haven't been cooped up in a building for god knows how long, I wasn't very much of a morning person so the sun rise I've never really seen," I explained. 

"It's always been really pretty, I'm glad I can watch it with you," He said, kissing the top of my head. I blushed and my heart skipped a beat. 

"Awwww, how sweet," I said sarcastically a grin spread across my face.

"Ya know you're really good at ruining nice moments," Freddy said flat toned.

"I'm sorry fuzzy, it's in my nature," I said giving him a Cheshire Cat grin.

"Asshole," He said looking back at the sun rise.

"Oh but you love me," I said.

"Yes, very much so," He said.


WOOOOOOOHHHH. Look I did it XD. God I'm cringy as shit man. I hope you guys liked this chapter. But sadly I must bid you adieu. *disappears in a cloud of smoke* 

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