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"Are you ready to go see Goldie now?," Freddy asked.
"Mhmm," I said.
"Okay," He said sitting up. He helped me up and walked me down the steps.
"She's ready to see Goldie," Freddy told Foxy. Foxy went downstairs and after about a minute was back up. Chica and Bonnie helped me down the steps. They sat me down in a chair across from Goldie.
"Thanks guys," I said.
"Just holler if you need anything," Bonnie said. I nodded and they went back upstairs. Goldie is slumped down on the floor his back towards me.
"Hey golden bear," I said. There was a moment of silence before he spoke.
"What did I mess you up that bad?," He asked.
"No, just trying to be friendly," I said.
"I don't deserve this," He said.
"It wasn't your fault," I said.
"Oh really! Cause last time I checked I was the one that beat you senseless!," He exclaimed his voice breaking.
"Goldie, please look at me," I said.
"No," He stated.
"Please," I said.
"Never," He said quietly. I got up with a groan almost falling over. I waddled over to him and sat in front of him. He just turned around and hung his head lower.
"Please Goldie, you can't just not ever look at me again," I said.
"Fine, I'll just look at you when you feel better," He said sternly.
"Hey, don't abandon me again... Please," I said. He flinched and turned around. I put both hands on his jaw and lifted his head up. His face is covered in tears and snot. I gave him the 'what am I gonna do with you' look and wiped the snot and tears away. But they kept coming and soon enough he was sobbing horribly.
"I'm soo so so so so so so sorry (Y/n)," He sobbed out. "I've been so horrible how can you even look at me," He cried out. I wrapped my arms around him and just held him singing "you are my sunshine". After a while he had calmed down and stopped crying. I lifted his head up so he could look at me and kissed his forehead.
"(Y/n) I love you," He whispered.
"I love you to," I said.
"Really?," He asked.
"Yes really," I said. I wiped away the remaining tears on his face. "God damn you and your blue eyes," I said smiling down at him.
"I don't know what you're talking about," He said giving me a stupid grin.
"Silly Goldilocks," I said.
"You're still gonna give me that nickname," He said pouting.
"Mhmm," I said.
"Okay luv," He said booping my nose.
"We should head back upstairs," I said.
"Okay," He said. He helped me up the steps and out the door. All the animatronics were waiting there for me. A sudden tension and uneasyness settled in the room.
"Let's play some monopoly!," I exclaimed pumping my fist in the air only to keel over in pain. All the animatronics rushed to me at once.
"You need to me more careful (Y/n)," Chica said.
"I know, can someone please go get the game," I said.
"I'll go," Bonnie said and left the room. Goldie helped me to sit down in the kitchen chair. About a minute had passed and finally Bonnie was back with the board game. I set the board game up and we all had fun playing and laughing. I looked at the time and saw it was 10 at night.
"I need to go to bed guys, since the pizzeria is under renovations I'm not going to work," I said.
"Okay who's watching (Y/n)," Freddy said.
"I will," Goldie said.
"Ya sure?," Freddy asked.
"Okay," Freddy said. Goldie picked me up and carried me to my room and laid me down in my bed. I pulled him down with me.
"I'm guessing you want cuddles," He said.
"Mhmm, honestly my hearts torn," I said.
"What do you mean?," Goldie asked.
"Well you, Freddy, Foxy, and maybe Bonnie love me and I love you all back... And it's just very confusing," I said.
"Well you know what you're with me right now," He said.
"I know but what about when I'm around all of you," I said.
"Then just act natural I guess," He said.
"But that doesn't seem right," I argued.
"Just shh and go to sleep," He said nuzzling the top of my head.
"Okays," I said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then curled up against him. His breath was even and it's really comforting cuddling with him. His size makes me feel safe and calm. Which put me to sleep in a matter of seconds.
I woke up to a flash and looked over at the end of my bed. There stood a fuming Freddy, and Foxy a giggling Chica and a gawking Bonnie. I tackled Chica reaching for her phone. I heard Goldie stir behind me.
"Huh?," He questioned groggily. "What's going on?,". He took a quick look around the room and shot up.
"God dammit Chica!," Goldie exclaimed. The boys tackled him and started "beating on him" as I wrestled Chica for the phone. By the end of it we were all in a heap laughing our butts off. We all got up and brushed off.
"So uh you and Goldie huh?," Freddy said.
"Not exactly," He said. He gave me a questioning look.
"Well I know you all love me now and I love you just as much, so it's not like I can just pick one of you," I said. And in unison they all said 'awwwwww'. They chased me down the steps and into the living room while Chica recorded it all and my brother had just walked into the house.

Hello my little loves. I obviously am going on a writing spree XD. I'm confused on what to do with Bonnie tho. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I must bid you adieu now. *disappears in a cloud of purple smoke*

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