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I got home and opened the door. I hung my keys and jacket up and slipped off my shoes. I walked over to the kitchen and made myself something to eat. I sat down and ate my food while I checked my social media. A notification popped up at the top of my screen.
'Hey it's Chica, we got our own phones now! Isn't that just amazing! Anyways we were wondering if you would like to stop by at 12?' The text read.
'Sure! I'd love to! But how did you get my phone number?" I texted back.
'Yay! Oh it was in your files She texted.
'Wait, so you know where I live?" I texted.
'Yup! Well I gtg now. See you later (y/n)!' She texted. I shut my phone off and put my plate in the sink.
I walked into my living room. Just when I was about to sit down I realized that Goldie knew where I lived. Well shit! I sat down and turned Netflix on. I flipped to (f/s) and started watching it hoping to forget about that.
I lost track of time. I snapped out of my trance and looked at the time. Shit! It was already 12! I quickly shut the TV off and scurried around to get ready and leave. I pulled on my shoes grabbed my keys and ran out the door. Luckily I had changed into a red and black flannel and a pair of jeans. I jumped in my car and was there in a matter of minutes. I rushed in. I paid for myself and rushed into the main stage area. I saw Chica wave me over.
"Hey where were you?," She asked.
"Sorry I lost track of time," I said.
"Don't worry about it, you just had us worried," She said smiling at me.
"Okay," I said. I looked around to see Freddy and Bonnie but no Foxy.
"Hey Chica, where's Foxy?," I asked.
"Oh he's in his cove," She said. "He only really comes out when we want him to sing during the day, we're programmed to do that," She said.
"Oh okay," I said. I noticed that they are all in there human forms. I went and said hi to Freddy and Bonnie before heading over to Foxy's cove. I looked around before heading in.
I saw Foxy slouched over at the back of the Cove. His head was hanging so his bangs covered his face. His ears drooped down.
"Hi there Lassie," I said in a pirate accent. Foxy looked up and his face instantly lit up.
"(Y/n)!," He exclaimed and ran up to me pulling me into a big hug. He spun me around while he was hugging me before setting me down. "What are you doing here Lassie,?" He asked.
"Chica asked me to stop by cause they wanted to see me," I explained.
"They didn't tell me you were gonna be here," He said frowning.
"Hey no being sad," I said. I poked the corners of his mouth up into a smile.
"You really are a blessing to our sad little hearts Lassie," He said before giving me another tight hug. I hugged him back as tight as possible.
"I don't think I have any performances today, would you like to stay here till your shift?," He asked.
"I'll be heading home at 1:30 actually, I have to catch up on my sleep," I told him. He had a sad look in his eyes and another frown formed on his face.
"Hey you still have another hour and 10 minutes with me," I said smiling up at him.
"You're right," He said smiling again. I walked to the back of the Cove and sat down. He came over and sat down with me.
"So what is this place called?," I asked him.
"Pirates Cove, it's honestly more of a prison during the day," He said. Another sad look crossed his face. I leaned myself against him. "But you seem to make it brighter," He said.
"Well that's good" I said smiling up at him.
"So what's it like out there?," He asked.
"It's really hard honestly, and challenging," I said.
"I wish I was alive again," He said leaning his head on the back of the wall.
"I know you do, if only I could have helped," I said.
"You would have only been 2 (y/n)," He said.
"I know but I'm thinking illogicaly," I said.
"You're full of mysteries," He said changing the subject.
"So are you," I said.
"I am a mystery, and a puzzle," He said.
"Has anybody ever been able to figure you out?," I asked.
"Yes actually, one person, but I didn't mean a puzzle like that," He said.
"Then what puzzle?," I asked.
"The puzzle to my heart," He said.
"Well who solved it?,"
"I can't tell you, or give you a hint or it would be too easy for you," He said.
"Oh come on, pwetty pwease with a cherry on top," I said giving him the puppy dog eyes. He blushed and quickly looked away. "Is it me?,"
"N-no," He stuttered out.
"Are you lying to me?," I asked.
"N-no," He stuttered again. I smirked and pulled his face towards me. His whole face was red and it got even redder when he faced me.
"You're so totally lying to me," I said laughing.
"Nuh-uh!," He exclaimed.
"You're acting like such a child," I stated laughing harder.
"Don't you have to go," He said angrily.
"As a matter of fact I do" I said and got up. I leaned down and kissed his cheek before heading out of the Cove.
The other animatronics were all back up on the stage in there animatronic forms singing to the aww eyed children. I walked out and to my car and drove home. I walked in taking my shoes off and hanging my keys up. I headed upstairs and to my bedroom flopping down and instantly passing out.

Hello my little loves. So I just had something very weird happen. So it was like a elephant was dropped from the sky. And we don't ever get earthquakes where I live. So that was really scary. Hoped you liked this chapter. But I must bid you adeui. *dissappears into a cloud of purple smoke*

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