A day of pain

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I woke up in the hospital. I looked around the room dazed and confused. An IV is stuck in my hand and I can hear the machine beeping. I look over to where my brother is at. He's slumped over in a chair.
"A-anthony," I stutter out weakly.
"(Y/n)!," He exclaimed rushing over to me. "Finally you're awake!,"
"Why am I h-here? What happened?," I asked.
"Day shift guy found you on the stage bloody bruised broken," He said on the verge of tears.
"God my everything hurts," I said.
"I bet, I'll go get the doctor," He said quietly. In a flash he was back with a doctor.
"How you feeling?," The doctor asked.
"Like death paid a visit," I said.
"Well you're injuries are pretty bad," He said.
"Give me the news doc," I said.
"Well, you have threw broken ribs,a few teeth missing, a broken nose, a broken arm, multiple lacerations and bruises, and a stab wound on your hand," He said.
"Damn," I said. "Death did a good job but not good enough, when am I getting discharged?,"
"Actually you're free to leave now, just let me take care of the IV and get your clothes," He said. The doctor did his doctor things and then we left.
"Hey I'm sorry to do this, but I have things to do so I'm going to drop you off at the house, will you be good?," My brother asked. I shook my head yes. We got home and I got out and walked to the door unlocking it. I walked in and was greeted by a sobbing Chica.
"Chica?," I questioned and then it all came back to me. What Goldie did. And suddenly my legs no longer held me up. I fell to the ground in shock. Passing out again.
I woke up in my bed with Foxy at the end of it.
"Foxy!," I exclaimed sitting up quickly. But I was greeted with excruciating pain and cried out.
"Woah carefully there Lassie," He said helping me lean up against the wall.
"Foxy you're alright," I said sobbing. "I'm so so so so sorry I should have staid there with you,"
"It's okay Lassie," He said putting his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. My chest shook as I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.
"Shh shh shh," Foxy said humming an old sailor song. My sobbing calmed down and I was sitting there curled up against Foxy listening to the sweet melodic tune.
"Are the others alright?," I asked him.
"Mhmm, they're perfectly fine sweetheart," He said.
"What did you do with Goldie?," I asked.
"He had us de-activate him and put him in the basement," Foxy said rocking me and still humming.
"Am I aloud to see him?," I asked.
"Mhmm, it wasn't his fault, and we forgive him," He said.
"That's good," I said wiping my nose. "I'm honestly scared to see him,"
"I know," He said.
"I'm also scared to see him because I don't want to see him cry," I said.
"Would you like one of us to be there?," He asked.
"Can you have Chica stand outside, just in case?," I asked.
"Yes Lassie," He said.
"Thanks pup," I said laughing slightly trying to lighten the mood. There was a knock on the door. I saw Freddy walk in and close it behind him.
"It's my turn 'pup'," He said mocking me. I stuck my tongue out at him. Foxy moved me so he can stand up. I reached my arms out like a child.
"I gotta go Lassie, it's Freddy's turn to look after you," He said. He walked out the door and Freddy closed it. Freddy walked over and sat down at the end of my bed.
"Mere," I said patting the spot next to me. He shook his head no.
"Pleeeeaaassseee fuzzy," I said.
"Fuzzy?," He questioned snorting.
"Yes you fuzzy butt," I said. "How are you holding up?,"
"Not too well," He said.
"Well talk to me," I said.
"What, so you all of the sudden care about me?," He asked.
"I've always cared about you, safe space say whatever you want," I said. "Not like I can move much,". I heard him sniffle.
"I-i just... I don't know what to do," He said crying.
"Get your fuzzy ass over here," I said. He crawled over and laid his head on my lap.
"And, and me and my brother aren't exactly on good terms, and I feel like your abondoning me," He said his voice breaking.
"I would never abandon you," I said. "And I'm sorry about Goldie, how did the physical fight even start?,"
"I said something I shouldn't have and his eyes changed," He said.
"I hope you know he didn't mean to hurt you," I said petting his hair and ears.
"I-i know, but it hurts so bad (y/n)," He said.
"I know," I said continuing to pet his hair and ears. "Hey at least you get your alone time with me,"
"Yeah, honestly I just wanted to say something to you," He said.
"And what might that be fuzzy butt?," I asked.
"I don't have the courage to tell you," He said blushing.
"Oh come on," I said poking him. "Do you llliiiikkkkeee me," I teased him.
"N-no," He stuttered.
"Pfft, liar," I said.
"No I m-mean it," He said crossing his arms and pouting.
"Mhmm sure," I said. "Then if I do this you won't blush?," I asked kissing his cheek. And instantly his face is beat red.
"T-that wasn't fair doll!," He exclaimed covering his face.
"You're too adorable," I said giggling. He made a pouty face and stuck his tongue out at me. I just giggled and poked his cheek.

Hello my little loves. Awwww Fweddy got some loves. And Foxy. But awwwwwwww XD. Stay tuned to see what happens in the next chapter. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Now I must bid you adieu. *disappears in a cloud of purple smoke*

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