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Today is the first family outing that Finn will be joining us for. We had already went out for breakfast at the waffle house, my favorite place that we can only find when we're here. All of my little cousins arrived today and they wanted Finn and I to take them all to the waterpark. All the little ones adored Finn and his attention.

We would be joined by the twins Michael and Hunter who are five, Bryce who is six, Elena four, Izzy, Mia, and Jackson who are all two and not triplets, and lastly the other twins Charlotte and Grayson who just turned one. Twins must be a genetic thing in our family or something because my aunt and uncle have two twins. (This is literally my family so)

Whoever came up with this idea must not have been thinking because they're sending Finn and I to take nine children all under the age of seven to the waterpark. My cousin Ari might be joining us, but knowing her she won't. She told her parents she was going, but she found some way to escape.

"I think we should divide and conquer on this one. The babies are better off with me since they know me and they'll most likely behave. That means I get Izzy, Jackson, Mia, Gray, and Charlotte. You get Hunter, Michael, Bryce, and Elena," I proposed to Finn.

"You're sure everyone is okay with this, like us driving them there and watching them on our own in a waterpark. A waterpark out of all places; that's so unsafe. They could drown, run and crack their head, or like fifty other things-"

"They love the free daycare it's fine. You're not going to crash the car or anything. The kids behave pretty well and they all can swim just like you can. They'll listen to you because they all adore you. Keep them together in the kid pool or if there's a lazy river thing take them down there. I'll be in the baby pool most of the time if not all of the time. The kids are one to two and a half they're not going down the slides. I'm not going to have my phone with me, so I'll be in the baby pool if you need anything. You can follow me there love I know the way. Make sure you buckle everyone in. Good luck to you my love!"

"I don't know what I'm getting myself into with you, but I'll meet you there."

After buckling five whining children into their car seats we were off, which only took us about ten minutes. The whole way there we sang songs like the abc's and old mcdonalds. I actually really enjoyed it.

"Okay kiddos were going to find Finn and the other cousins so we can get changed!" I spoke to the kids. Gray and Charlotte were in each arm along with a bag for the kids swimsuits and towels. "No running please we don't want any boo boos. Oh look, there's Finny's car let's get your cousins."

With the twins in my arms Mia, Izzy, and Jackson waddled their way to Finn's car. We then took the never ending line of children inside to get them changed. I had a feeling Finn wouldn't be all that much help on his own, so we went into the family locker rooms.

"Everyone get a buddy. Bryce you're going to come up and be my buddy." Michael paired with Hunter, Mia and Izzy, Charlotte and Grayson who were still in my arms, and Jackson with Elena.


"Can we please go to slide please?" Begged Elena.

"No I don't like the slide can we go on the playground?" Elena's brother Hunter bickered.

"How about we go surprise Annabelle in the pool with a bunch of hugs and go get some popsicles."

"Yay!" They all screamed in unison.

Belle was splashing along with all the little two year olds. The twins were playing along sitting in floating things that made their bodies stay above the water. They looked like saucer chairs kind of.

"Why hello there hottie. How's it going?"

"Oh my gosh, Finn hi!"

I hugged her tightly and had to take in everything good that's been going on. I'm here spending the week with my beautiful girlfriend. It's summer with the perfect weather and it's almost the fourth of July. My girlfriend is a beautiful goddess that I'm going to marry one day. We're going to have kids together and live an amazing life. Just seeing her today I know she's going to make a great mother.

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