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I took comfort in Finn's company. My hand laced with his as we laid chatting on his bed. "You know I really like taking things slow. It's nice not having to be the perfect boyfriend or having all this pressure. We don't need to get everyone else involved," he spoke.

"Wait, so you mean we're not going to tell anyone?"

"I'm willing to do whatever you want. We can tell who ever or not."

"I think we should wait until we're like official official to tell anyone. I think the group should know because I don't want to be hiding anything."

"I agree with you definitely. The group is texting if we want to hang out right now. Do you want to go or stay here?"

"Finn come on let's go with them we should get out more."

Finn drove over to Caleb's house in his white Audi that I loved so much. Everyone except for Jack was already there. Finn and I were warmly greeted by everyone.

"So does anyone have sex ed next trimester since it's the new trimester tomorrow? I'm in sixth hour." I asked the group.

"You didn't even bother to ask me. What a shame because I'm in your period," Finn informed.

"I have it third," Gaten chirped in.

"Millie and I have it sixth hour," Noah smiled.

"I had it last trimester," Sadie told us. "For whoever has it good luck. It's so boring and the first week is the absolute worst. They're trying to teach you consequences of having sex or whatever, so you get the baby simulation dolls."

"Depending on what teacher you get you get to pick your partner, but they have to be the opposite gender. I had Gilbert and he let you pick," said Chosen.

"We all have Gilbert I checked last night! Finn I'm claiming you as my partner."

"Finnabelle," someone whispered.

"No Felle!" Someone else responded.

"Finnabelle, Felle, what does that mean?" I asked.

Jaeden was the first to speak up. "It's your ship name for when you start dating."

"We aren't dating-"

"Seems like a good time to say I'm dating Millie!" Noah interrupted.

The whole room began to chant Moah. "Moah Moah Moah!"

"Okay okay, that's enough guys," Millie blushed.


"Alright quiet down class I'm Mr. Gilbert your sex ed teacher. If you haven't heard already we like to start of the class with giving you guys our simulation babies. These babies will give you a real life experience for what having a child early might be like. In my class I let you guys pick your partners, which should be considered a privilege. You and your partner will come after school and pick it up for the week. I'm handing out the packet with all the information you guys will need."


"I got it sit down," Annabelle yelled over the screaming baby.

She tried changing the fake diaper which didn't make it stop crying. She tried putting it to sleep, which didn't do anything. Annabelle then played with the baby rocking it around. Lastly, she fed and burped the fake baby making it finally stop crying.

"Remind me never to get pregnant in my life."

"So you're saying you never want kids?"

"I want kids, but not anytime soon. I want to be able to get through high school and college. Get a well paying job, become stable, and be prepared for a baby."

"It seems to me like you've got your whole entire life planned out then."

"Oh no I really don't. I have a general idea of what I want, but not all the specifics. I don't know what I want to study, what job I want, where to live, or go to college."

Annabelle is crazy ambitious and is going to get so far in life. She's wicked smart to the point of where she could get into Harvard. All she wants is success and I hope, but also know that she's going to get there some day. It's my job to support her through it all.

Also, if I'm being totally honest she would make one heck of a great mother. Right now it's looking like a second instinct to her. It's pretty attractive watching her too. I like Annabelle and I like her a lot. There's no point in hiding it. I want to ask her out, but we said we were going to take things slow. The temptation is eating away at my stomach.

some kind of way || finn wolfhardΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα