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Being at this Women's shelter was a good thing, but it kind of sucked at the same time. The room was small with only a bunk bed, window, and a dresser. I, being the youngest and smallest, had to sleep on the top bunk. The bathrooms and showers were communal, so that really sucks. The food isn't good, but then again it's like free food basically.

What was really the worst was how far away from everything I was. Troy to Derry isn't the closest walk. Now I wasn't able to walk to Jaeden's house or walk to Finn's. I couldn't even take the bus to school, lead alone walk there. Finn's been questioning me for days on why I couldn't come over. If everything was of course the same I'd still be going over there basically everyday.

"Hey Mom, would you be okay with me going to Finn's house today. I would need a ride over there after school time."

"Honey I don't know if I can do that. I'm working all day and won't be home till dinner time-"

"After, what about after? I'm going basically missing on all my friends. They're all wondering what's going on with me; why I can't show up to the basketball games, hang out at Sadie's, or just do anything with them. I was always there and now I'm never there. Everyone can tell something's going on and just saying I'm busy isn't going to cut it anymore. Jaeden's been our neighbor for years and he's been giving me rides everyday and now I tell him I'm already at school or need to stay late. Sooner or later he's going to go over to the house and find out what's going on."

"Honey, I just don't know. I don't have any energy to argue with you either so let's just go to school."

As I arrived at school the whole group was of course waiting for me. I was questioned on why I was running late and gave them the same answer as usual; I'm just really busy.


"Annabelle if you need a ride I'll give you one it's no problem you live next door." The only thing is I'm not his neighbor and he can't find out. It's going to be so hard to keep it from him. I texted my mom hoping I could tell Jaeden.

Mom, there is no way to avoid this
anymore. Everyone is asking me
where I am. Jaeden was our
neighbor he's bound to go over to
the house and find out oh we're
really not there.

Tell Jaeden that's fine and you
can tell Finn tonight too. I'll
drive you over there since it's
so important to you

Thank you Momma I love you!!

"Hey Jaeden can I talk to you really quick?" Jaeden followed me into one of the empty classrooms down the hallway. "So, for the past few days my mom and I haven't been living at home. We finally moved out and away from my dad. We're living at the Waldo County Women's Shelter for now. We're looking for somewhere to permanently live, but for now we're staying there. That's why I've been late a lot or can't go anywhere. Just promise me you won't tell anyone okay?"

"Of course I won't tell anyone," he took me into his warm embrace. "I'm so proud of both you and your mom. If you need a ride anywhere I'll drive over there in a heartbeat. I'm so happy for you both you two deserved this."


Annabelle came over again and told me what's been going with her life lately. Guilt pumped through my body; I've asked her to come over so many times. If I would have known something like that's been going on I would have helped her.

"I feel so awful I've asked you to come over here so many times. Soon I'll be able to drive again and I can pick you up and take you where ever you need. I'll be the one helping you this time."

"Finn, it really means a lot to me, but we're through the worst now. We've left and we're on our own. We're finding a place and I'm getting my license soon."

"Don't even worry about helping me I can figure it out on my own-"

"Finn I'm not going to take no for an answer. I'm all in now and that includes studying. You're my escape; every time something bad happens I have you to come to for it all to go away."

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