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"Bro, seriously it took you this long to come and visit me."

"I'm sorry, I've been really busy. I've been really busy with Millie and school," Noah informed.

"Oh, Millie huh?"

"Yeah, we've been talking lately. I think I'm going to ask her out pretty soon. So Annabelle's been over here like everyday what's going on with that?" He tried switching the subject subtly.

"I don't know I really don't know. I feel that if anything were to happen Jack would get mad and I don't want to loose a life long friend over a high school relationship. She's just been so helpful and she's such a good friend of mine. Annabelle was one of the only people to visit me for a week. I like her I really really do, but she doesn't feel the same way. She said to Sadie and Millie we were strictly friends and if she's telling her closest girl friends that she's not into me and she's not."

"Finn she's came to your house like everyday for what like a week and a half, she talks about you literally all the time at school, and she makes you food, like a lot. She's a really good girl and you can tell. Everything she's done for you so far and you're just friends I don't think that's strictly friends material. Finn, she's so down to earth."

"That's the thing, she could literally get anyone she wants. She already had Jack which means she could get anyone," I whined.

"You've got the girls flocking to you what are you talking about. I mean you were once the captain of the basketball team, but I don't think we're going to be seeing you anytime soon."

"Okay haha that's not funny Noah. Hey I should text her to come over here so the three of us can do something is that okay?"

"Dude, she literally just left. Can you be more clingy?"

"Alright fine, I'll wait till you leave to text her."

A wave of relief hit me finally admitting to myself and someone else that I do in fact like Annabelle. What worried me is that well, I like Annabelle. There's so many bad outcomes with only one good outcome. I don't want to get hurt in the process and I certainly don't want to hurt anyone, especially Annabelle.


Finn: Hey can you come over rn?? Noah left this morning and you're my only source of entertainment these days lol

Annabelle: Sorry maybe tomorrow I'm a little busy

My parents screaming and shouting filled the air. There was plenty of ' it's all your fault' or 'I hate you' to fill the silence. Here and there something like a glass or a picture frame would be thrown across the room; all by my father of course. This is what it was like for me as a little kid, but each time it got a bit easier. Now, this was nothing new.

Only this time, my dad hit my mom and it was hard, harder than ever before. I saw the pain spread across her face. Hurt and sadness filled her eyes as the tears began to spill from her normally blue glowing bead. That put her over the top and it was all over.

"Annabelle get your stuff now! We're leaving!" She screamed.

I quickly grabbed a duffel bag and threw my clothes and some necessities not knowing what was going on. My mom took our stuff out of the car and drove. Fear quickly sprouted in me as I didn't know where we were going. We were in Troy now and I wasn't too familiar with the area. Before I knew it we pulled up to a run down brick building. On the top it said Waldo County Women's Shelter.

"Nobody can find out. Not even Jaeden and his family," my mom said as she kissed the top of my head.

I was actually quite proud of my mom. We finally made it out. After all the years of pain and struggle we made it out alive. My mom and I made it out together stronger than ever. We were there for way too long, but all that matters now is we have a safe place.

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