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"Hi love how are you?" Belle's voice glowed.

"I'm doing good. Today we hung out at the house with the family, so nothing much really. How are you doing?"

"I'm as good as it can get still being separated. I didn't do much today either. My mom and I went to the store and got some groceries, oh and I finished that one book you recommended, it. It, that is a weird name for a book, but yeah the book was really good. I normally don't like scary books I thought this one was different. Pennywise was scary though, don't get me wrong."

"Well, I have a little surprise for
you. You remember Richie Toizer right?"

"Of course I do!"

"So, with the help of my acting teacher, who I've met here in Canada, I auditioned for the part of Richie. I didn't think I was going to do anything, but I've made it to call backs. I think there's five to ten boys now. I didn't want to tell you before it got serious."

"Finn I'm so shocked I don't know what to say. I'm so proud of you I can't believe it! Acting classes, when did these start?"

"My cousin was going one night and he dragged me with. I ended up liking it and apparently I'm really good at it."

"Wow, that's amazing and I never thought you would be, wow Finn Wolfhard the actor."

"I don't want anything to change between the two of us. Shooting is most likely going to be in Canada like the Toronto area. It's going to be a lot of me being gone and filming."

"I can always come up and visit or you can come back home. There's always holiday. We've already made it this far we can make it so much longer and Alabama is only a week away! It's crazy."

"I'm glad to hear you're excited and in support of this. It really means a lot to me and I really wish I could kiss you right now."

"Enough of that mushy lovey stuff. Who's going to be your costars. They would have to be like teenagers so hmm. The Beckham's or Asa Butterfield, what a king. I want to come to set and meet everyone."

"Who knows if I'll even get the part. It's not like I will anyways. With the slim chance i actually do get it I'll let you know who the cast is and of course you can come and visit."

"You know there's something I actually need to tell you too. This wasn't my idea it was the boys, and then they got my mom in on it too. Basically I have no say, so I have to do it."

"Yeah, okay, what's going on? You're scaring me. Is it anything bad? Are you going to be safe?"

"Babe, it's nothing dangerous I'll be safe. It's my mom and the boys, it can't be that bad. Anyways, I'm going to be trying out for the Voice!"

His eyes instantly lit up and a huge smile creeped on his face. He looked so happy it made me happy. I had to look twice, but there were tears dripping down his cheek.

"Finn, don't cry. If it's not what you want me to do then I won't. Just don't cry I'm sorry. I feel horrible."

"Annabelle, I'm not sad. I am so proud of you and I am in full support of you being on the Voice. I, I just wish I could be there," he choked out the last words.

He began to cry, like really cry. Something that I've really never seen before. Panic bubbled inside my gut I had no idea what to do or what to say.

"I'm such a horrible boyfriend and I hate myself for not being with you. I shouldn't have gone on this dumb vacation. I should have been staying home with you."

"You're the best boyfriend in the world Finn Wolfhard and you should never forget that. Your family is your family, you should be seeing them and spending time with them. In the end everything is going to be okay. Just know that I love you so much and I'll see you
in a week."

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