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Four thirty in the morning, it's currently four thirty in the morning. The things I do for Finn. His flight leaves around seven and I wanted to drop him off. He would be driving just with me to get some of our last minutes together for the next month or so. Our parents ended up agreeing on letting us go to Alabama for the fourth of July together.

I'm going to miss him I really am. I've become so dependent on him lately I don't know what I'm going to do for the whole summer. Anything I do, I do it with Finn. I rarely spend any time with Jaeden or the group anymore.

I pulled in to the steep curved driveway belonging to the Wolfhard's. Finn was waiting, sitting on the step of his front porch with his luggage. What once had seemed like a lie is now turning into a reality.

"Good morning I brought you some breakfast. You can put your bags in the trunk," I greeted the tired boy. I handed him the blueberry muffin and coffee I brought him.

"Thanks for driving me and the food of course."

"I couldn't miss out on my baby's last day in America for the summer. I gonna miss you Finny."

"It's not like I'm leaving forever and we'll get the whole week together in Alabama. No matter what I'm going to miss you."

"Just promise me one thing. Promise me that you're not going have some summer fling with one of the cute skinny Canadian girls you find."

"I'm going to visit my family and old friends not find a new girlfriend. You're the single most important person in my life, even the most important thing. I'm not going to give you up for someone who's name I won't remember in a few months."

I matter to him and that's just about the most comforting thing I've ever heard someone say to me. Just to know we're going to be okay makes this whole trip thing a billion times easier. It's going to be hard not having him here, but we're going to be okay.

We sat holding each other's hand listening to the soft sounds of James Arthur. We didn't speak, nor make a peep. Neither of us wanted to be the one to say something resulting in one of us or both of us crying. I knew I'd be the one to break first no matter what he said or didn't say. The ramps to the airport slowly became visible. I let out a loud sigh catching Finn's attention.

"It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay."

I parked in the drop off lot to walk Finn in, after all we haven't had our proper good bye get. Finn had serval bags, so I took the big blue roller bag and he took the rest. I followed him throughout the airport looking like a lost puppy. We exchanged minimal conversation trying to avoid what was soon ahead. The security check lied ahead of us. I didn't have a ticket, so I no longer could go through.

"Finn, please be careful. No concussions while your away. Make sure you're being careful with what you're doing, no contact sports. Make sure to call me every night before you go to bed. I'm pretty sure you're going to be a time zone ahead. Have fun too take lots of pictures for me!"

"Have fun while I'm gone, okay? I'm going to have someone check on you every once in a while, which means you're leaving your room. I'm going to miss you so much. I'll call, you text you, snapchat you every single hour of everyday. I love you so much Annabelle. It's only a month until we can see each other again. That's not that long we can make it."

"I love you so much Finny boy. Have a safe flight let me know when you land. I'll miss you so much." After our finally good bye hug Finn was gone. Off to another country never seeing him until July.

Liked by finnwolfhard wyattoleff and 83 others tagged finnwolfhard annabelleowens: have fun in canada bubba going to miss you lots Comments disabled

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Liked by finnwolfhard wyattoleff and 83 others tagged finnwolfhard
annabelleowens: have fun in canada bubba going to miss you lots
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I barely made it to my car without breaking out into a sob. I made it through for Finn not wanting to make him feel worse than he already does. This summers going to be a long one that's for sure.

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