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I was just about loosing it when Annabelle left. I watched her leave and I was so concerned. I was letting my nerves get the best of me. The whole team was counting on me and I couldn't separate my emotions. My coaches always say to the team, bring your anger to the game, but leave behind the girls.

It's not that I like her or anything I just really want to get to know her. I feel really bad about the whole Jack thing too. He seems to do this quite often, yet Annabelle seems so different. There's so much to her that I want to discover.

I was so ready to make a three to win this game. I need to win for the school and for Annabelle. All my confidence was restored as she returned to the room. I had been making simple mistakes during the game which I never had before. God, I hope that I'm not being benched next week for this. I'm going to get in trouble I know it.

One of the guy on the other team was blocking me a little too much and ended up practically tackling me to the ground, or at least that's what it felt like. My head first made contact with the wood creating a loud bang. It took me some time to be able to get up again. As I made my first shot my vision was still blurry. Annabelle ran on to the court after I made my second shot.


"Hey are you alright you hit your head really hard?"

"Annabelle, I'm fine headache ju-just a bit."

"Finn say that again you're not making sense and you're stuttering. That and a headache is a sign of a concussion you should go to the doctor like now. Did you get a base line?"

"Baseline wh-what?"

"Let's sit you down and get you some water to drink. Jaeden call his mom and let's drive him to the emergency room." I held onto to Finn's arm as he babbled to himself. He was speaking words I couldn't understand.


I was anxiously sitting in the waiting room, tapping my foot, waiting for Jack's results. His mom soon approached Jaeden and I putting her hands on our shoulders.

"Jack shouldn't be much longer, but you two should be getting home it's a school night."

"Yeah I better head out and I can take you home Annabelle," Jaeden offered.

"Actually would it be okay if I stay Mrs. Wolfhard?"

"I suppose so, but I insist on giving you a ride home. We don't want you waiting here even longer for your parents."

Jaeden had left shortly after and soon Finn was out. He had a pink plastic bucket in his hands most likely for vomiting and he was slower than usual. He took a seat next to me about to fall asleep.

"Finn over here has a level two concussion, so I think it's time to get you two home. No school for you Finn you need time to rest so you can heal."

I feel horrible for Finn he's so miserable. I sat with him in the waiting room while Finn's mom pulled up the car.

"I don't feel so well," as on cue Finn began to puke in his bucket. I rubbed his shoulders in an effort to comfort him.

"I'll trade buckets with you honey," the nurse offered in friendly way. She was trying to make him feel better, which did end up working. Finn cracked a slight smile.

"Your mom is here are you ready to go?"

He stood up and took his time walking out to the car. The whole ride he was sleepy, barely able to keep his eyes open. His head began to fall and landed on my boney shoulder.

"Ow!" Finn yelped.

"Finn honey, you need to be more careful. Please don't hit your head again. I'm very worried about you, you need to be more careful."

"Finn here lay on my lap, it won't hurt as much. We're almost home." This time he slowly lowered his head into my lap being extra careful when his head made contact with my lap. "Good night Finn." Finn was out like a light.

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