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Her little hands gripped the wooden pencil as she was jotting down notes for the project. I couldn't help it, I just couldn't help myself. I grabbed her tiny little waist and pulled her into my lap.

"Look at my smarty pants go."

"I think you should do your work now too," she commanded me.

She stood up and I got a face full of booty. I took up the opportunity to grab it, just like any other guy would. "Jack!" She screamed. She pushed back my shoulders. "What the heck Jack!"

"Jack come on man leave the girl alone. She clearly doesn't like it," Noah butted in.

She sat in the chair farthest away from me doing her work silently. I could tell she was really uncomfortable. I really messed up like really bad. I tried to approach her and she wouldn't look at me. I crouched down and lifted up her chin. She flinched at first, but she let herself relax.

"Hey, I'm so sorry okay? It's not going happen again, I promise." She gave me a slight nod, but  didn't seem convinced. "I'm a different guy now. I'm working on changing into someone better. It's not going to be easy or happen right away, but I'm working on it. The past me isn't the new me, and the new me is who I want to be." She still seemed hesitant on speaking. I saw tears forming in her eyes. "Ellie, don't cry."

"Hey I think we should take a break for the night. Jack you should probably go," Noah told me.


Annabelle sat in my arms and cried, she just cried. I rubbed her back in efforts to comfort her.

"I'm such a mess I'm sorry guys. I totally ruined your night. I'm sorry I'm so over dramatic too."

Wyatt tried helping out. "Hey it's alright, no big deal; it's only a Monday there's nothing to ruin."


Wyatt texted me everything that had happened and I floored it all the way to Noah's house. Of course his house was the farthest house away. I took no time to run upstairs and find her.

She was scared and I could tell. Fear resided in her eyes. She was raped by a friend of her dad not too long ago. She swore never to speak of it again, but I couldn't help thinking of it. Wyatt really helped calm her down. A lot of things can make her think back to it and scare her.

"Annabelle I came as quick as I could."

"Jaeden I'm fine now. I told them all what happened and I'm all good."

"I think we've had enough drama for today I'll take you home."

I took Annabelle home hoping for a better tomorrow. Everything's been really hard for her lately. Then to add on top of everything she's adjusting to having a whole new personality.

"If you need to spend some time at my house know that we're always open to having you."

"I don't want to be playing any wild cards with my dad. I'm just gonna go home. Thanks for everything," with that she kissed my cheek good night.


I just sat on my bed and stared at my ceiling. Old dried tears were replaced with new warm ones. I couldn't help but think about how much easier it would be if I had an entirely different life. I wonder what it would be like to have two parents who love each other and love you. What it's like to not be raped at the age of twelve. Having friends and a social life come easy. What about being skinny and perfectly pretty, what's that like?

This is going to be another hard night. I could hear both of my parents screaming at each other with the occasional noise of shattering glass. I have nobody to turn to in these situations; it's just me and my parents. I never had siblings so it's pretty much me and my mom. Someday we're going to leave. We're working up the money and supplies; of course with the strength to do it.

Moving on won't be hard. I've got no strings attached here. Hopefully we will be close because I still need Jaeden, Millie, and some of the other guys. I've finally found the people I've been looking for. After years of loneliness I found my group of people. My phone was buzzing constantly because Jack was texting me; breaking me out of my deep thoughts.

Hey I'm sorry about earlier

I didn't know that would lead to so much

I really care about you and I hope you know that and if you want to talk to me at school tomorrow or something but I'll be waiting but it's okay if you don't want to I understand

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