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"Hi I'm Nic Hamilton I live in the apartment down the hallway. My mom wanted me to bring over some cookies. Welcome to the neighborhood?" He said more like a question.

"I'm Annabelle Owens it's nice to meet you and thanks for bringing the cookies."

"No problem, now are you new here or do you go to Derry? I don't think I've seen you before."

"I do go to Derry we just moved moved places. I'm a sophomore so that might be why."

"Yeah I'm a junior, so that might be why. Anyways, do you think I can follow your instagram?"

"Yeah it's just AnnabelleOwens."

"Sweet I've got to run, have fun moving in and see you at school."

"Bye it was nice meeting you Nic."

With that I shut the door to the brand new apartment. I slid down the door thinking wow was he cute. He was so cute I could get lost in his eyes ugh. Since he came to the door with cookies that's got to be a good sign. Thats how I met Jaeden, so there has to be good things to come.

nicholas.hamilton followed you on instagram
Nicholas Hamilton added you as a friend


"Hey you want a ride to school? I'm just going now."

"That would be wonderful! Let me grab my shoes and my bag." Nic and I have gotten pretty close lately since I've moved in.

"So, I was looking on your instagram and you didn't tell me you've got a boyfriend. That's too bad."

"Ugh no he's not, shut up! We're just friends and we're really close. That picture was nothing."

"Oh yeah yeah sure, but you two look like you were kissing."

"I was falling and he caught me!"

"Okay whatever you say. Now where is your locker I'll walk with you."

"I'm up in b two and my friends are waiting for me, so you can just go like you don't have to wait. Don't want to keep your friends waiting Mr. Popular."

Nic followed me up the never ending flight of stairs to the middle locker bay. He took out my books from my locker and put them in my bag. After he put my coat away.

"I'll let you go with your friends, so have a nice day at school. I'll meet you here after school and we'll go."

I walked over to the group on the other side of the locker bay. Surprisingly Finn was at school which shocked me; he told me he was coming back today, but it totally blanked my mind.

"What are you doing?" Finn asked.

"What do you mean? I was dropping off my coat and I grabbed my books."

"You were with Nic. Why were you with Nic?"

"He's my neighbor and he took me to school because he's being nice."

"Nice, wow," Finn chuckled. "That's super ironic Nic being nice. You shouldn't be friends with him he's dangerous. He does drugs, he drinks, he takes advantage of girls. I don't want you near him."

"Okay listen here, I can take care of myself. I've dealt with enough alone to know what I'm capable of. I've spent this whole weekend with him nothings gone wrong. He even drove me to school and got me my books. I don't see a problem yet, so I'm going to be nice to him."

"Drugs Annabelle, he does drugs. You shouldn't be around that. What if you got caught up in that? It's going to ruin you and your life. You're going to drop out of school and not be able to get a job. Now how's that going to work out for you?"

"I think you're overstepping your boundaries here. I'd like to know what you think about thinks, but pushing it onto me I don't agree with that. My life isn't going to go downhill because I hang out with one person. Maybe he does do drugs, but that doesn't mean I have to. What's the big deal? You're taking this way to far you're not my dad, you're not my boyfriend, and you're not my boss."

"Maybe I care about you. Huh, have you ever thought of that? I care about you Annabelle I really do. I thought I liked you too, but maybe not if you're going to do drugs," he stormed off.

Did he really just admit to liking me? There's no way in hell that's possible. He just said he did, but he couldn't. I've spent so much time helping him and I wasn't wanting to catch feelings for him. I'm not ready for a boyfriend especially after the whole Jack disaster.

Now that I think about it, it does make sense. I was constantly over at his house. He took me ice skating, which was basically a date. I tutored him for hours and baked him so many things.

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