Chapter Nineteen: The Whole Truth Comes Out

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~Alex P.O.V.~

Ariel scarfed down half a batch of pancakes. Then went back upstairs. Austin followed her. Brianna ate two and walked to sit back on the couch. I sat next to her.

"Huh?" she asked.

"Nothing." I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

She grimaced.

I pulled her to sit on my lap. She tried to squirm away.

"What's the matter?"


"Nothing has changed. So what if you've never told anyone? It doesn't change my feelings for you. I swear to god." I poked her stomach and she looked at me.

"You can't just say that-"

"I'm not just saying it. I love you. I'll always love you. Nothing has changed!" I looked at her and she looked back at me.

I looked at the clock. Ten. My mom was at work till eleven at night and she took Andrew to stay somewhere away from me, since she thought I tried to kill him. Austin and Ariel were leaving in an hour. It upset me to see my friend leave, but I had Brianna.

"Maybe I should go?" she looked at the clock, too.

"Go where?"

"I'll go to Erin's house for a while."

"No." I pulled her into a kiss. She kissed me back.

When she pulled away, she looked sad. "I love you so much. Your the best guy ever."

I smiled. "I know."

I let her sit back on the couch. She pulled out her iPod and put her headphones on. She started "Ashley" by Escape The Fate and fell asleep.

I got up and walked upstairs. Ariel was giggling. I didn't even want to know.

Austin and Ariel left while Brianna was still asleep. I walked into Brianna's room. I had an hour at least, right?

I started at her bookshelf. I went through every photo album. Birthdays. Her parents. Her and her brother. Her and some random guy at a dance. Her kissing somebody.... Nothing. Just pictures. I walked over to her desk. She had notebooks on it. I flipped through them. There was one with numerous pictures. I wasn't going to waste time going through it yet. I started a pile on her bed.

Next, I walked over to her bedside tables. I started on the left one. The top drawer had absolutely nothing in it. The bottom drawer was so full it wouldn't open. I yanked on it hard and it came out hard, making a loud thud while landing on my toe. Ouch, dammit.

Papers fell out. I picked them up and looked at them. Newspaper articles. One was of a man I clearly recognized as her father. The caption read "Father Trialed For Rape". Oh damn. Added to the pile. The second had a woman on it. "Local Woman Murdered". She's already told me this story. But I added it to the pile anyway. I glanced inside the cubbyhole the drawer came out of. A book was in it. I picked it up and looked at it.

"Daddy and Me" was written on the front in Brianna's handwriting. But it was padlocked. Had to search for a key. I set the book to the side. The drawer had papers and books. One read my diary. Added to the pile. Another read "Poetry". I didn't have time to read.

I dug deeper and found nothing. I stacked stuff neatly and replaced the drawer, keeping my pile.

To the right side. The top drawer had pills in it. Not medication. Sleeping pills. Oh shit.

The bottom drawer had what I was hoping she didn't have in her room- pads and tampons. I slammed that drawer closed quicker than shit.

I picked up the pile I had and carried it to my room.

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