Chapter Four: Oh, Brother

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"Stay here," Brianna said, taking a step towards the car. Fear was still written all over her face.

"I'm coming with you," I said. I couldn't just leave her when she was that scared.

"No." She pushed me backwards into the door and I grabbed her arm, spinning her to look at me.

"I told you that I don't leave my friends behind. I walk with them."

She sighed, defeated, knowing that I had a good point. "Fine. But stay quiet. I don't want to make him mad."

We walked over to the car. The passenger window was rolled down, and a boy sat in the driver's seat. He had brown hair, like Brianna's, but blue eyes. He didn't look scary.

"Brianna," He said. I couldn't help but think that his voice was slightly high pitched for a guy.

"Jake," Brianna mumbled. She glared into the car. The fear was off her face, replaced with anger. "This is Alex. I'm going to his house. We're going to study."

"No you're not." He looked at me, then back at Brianna. "You're coming home. Now. Get in," He pressed the unlock button.

"No. You can always get a hold of me if you need me home. But I can't fall behind in classes. I have to study."

"I said no," He said. His jaw set and his hands tightened around the wheel. "You have the perfect environment to study at home. Now get in."

"You aren't dad. I don't have to obey you." He voice started to waver. You could hear the fear in with the anger. "Just leave. You don't belong at this school." She grabbed my hand where her brother couldn't see, squeezing it. I could tell she was scared. Especially with how much presser she used.

"From my perspective, neither do you, Brianna." He unbuckled his seat belt and reached for the door handle.

No, I thought, but I had to stay quiet. Brianna told me to.

"Come on, Alex." She tugged my arm and we started walking as calm as she could be. She let go of my hand. "Let's just go."

I heard the door open. Brianna started running, and I ran, too. We ran to my house, not looking back once. When we got to my front porch, we were both out of breath.

"Wow," I said. I never knew I could run so far. Brianna looked over her shoulder, pulled her bag back onto her shoulder, and hugged me. I hugged her back, slightly confused.

"Thank you. So much."

"For what?" I asked. I was trying to breathe a little less heavily, but we had just run about two miles.

"Staying quiet like I asked. And being there." She smiled. Her breathing was already less heavy.

"Do you run like that often?" I wiped some sweat off my forehead.

She nodded.

"Why?" I asked. My breathing was steadier.

She shook her head, her braid swung. "My brother. And cross country."

"What does he do?"

"Can we go inside?" She asked. She was shifting her weight from one foot to the other. I knew she didn't want to be outside.

"Yeah," I opened the door, called hi to my mom, and we started walking upstairs. Andrew sat at the top of the stairs, smiling mischievously.

"Hello, girl." He said, standing up.

"Her name's Brianna. Brianna, this is Andrew, my brother." Brianna gave a slight wave. Andrew got a look in his eye that said he was up to no good.

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