Chapter One: Meeting a New Kid

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I looked up from my books at the chalkboard. It seemed like the teacher always wrote up to five times faster than I could. I scribbled and tried to keep up as best I could, but it was difficult for me. Difficult for all of us, really. The teacher talked a million miles an hour and took very few breaths. It helped her that she could write about as fast as she could talk. Miss K turned from the chalkboard to face us. She wasn't really something worth looking at. She had ratty blonde hair that was always pulled back into a pony tail. Her mouth was always in a frown and her eyes always looked angry.

"Class," She started. Her purple heels clicked as she walked to the door. "It appears there is a new student in class."

One of them. I thought. We were in high school now. There wasn't only one class. There was many more.

Miss K opened the door and a brunette walked in. She had a smile on her face and a notebook in her hand. She struck me as pretty as soon as I saw her.

"This is Brianna," Miss K said. "There is a spot next to Alex you can take. Try to catch up on today's notes."

"Okay," Brianna said. She walked to the back of the room where I sat all alone at a table. She pulled out a blue chair and sat down quickly. She flipped open her notebook and wrote down everything on the chalkboard in quick, fluid strokes of her pen. She barely crossed anything out, the paper looking neat with her handwriting.

"Hi," I said. 

"Hi," She answered, looking up from her notebook and at me. "You're cute,"

"Thanks," I said. She went back to writing and I did the same. My mind spun and repeated those words over and over again. I was just called cute by someone who was extremely pretty.... I mean, I had before, but still!

After class, which was the last hour of the day, I saw her go to her locker. She was three lockers away from mine. Her hair was brown, pulled back into a braid. I walked over to her, trying to think of something to say.

"Hi," I started. 

"Hello, Alex." She smiled at me, and something seemed to dance across her eyes.

"Uhm, since you're new and all, I was wondering if you needed any help with classes?"

Her eyes widened. "How do you know we have any classes together other than last hour?"

"There is only one class for each grade." I answered, smiling. And there was. We went to a relatively  small school.

"Okay, that would be awesome. But I have to go. My brother is picking me up out front."

"Do you have a cell phone?" I asked quickly, hoping that I could get her number and at least text her.

"Uhm, no. My parents won't buy me one. But I'm saving up. I'm sorry." She looked into her locker and pulled out a bag, then smiled up at me. Her teeth were oddly white.

"Oh, it's fine." I said. Maybe I had asked for her number too soon? We had only known each other for less than an hour, after all. I knew girls that were like that, cautious. 

"I've really got to go." She said, closing her locker. "I'm sorry. I'd love to talk, but, I can't."

"It's fine. I have to go, too, anyway." I watched as she walked away, towards the doors of the school. I waited a good couple of minutes after she was out of sight and started walking that way, as well.

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