Chapter Fifteen: More and More Trouble

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~Brianna P.O.V.~

I'm not afraid anymore. There is no reason to be. Alex saved me, and he helps me feel safe. In all honesty, I thought he was Perfect the first time I saw him. Then I learned his name and I ended up sitting by him. Now here I was, almost two months later, his girlfriend, living in his house. 

Jake had been someone to fear. He had snapped years ago, mentally. I didn't know if it was because of Taby or Carla or even my mom, but he started killing. And the first time, it wasn't even a bloody mess. He cleaned it up so perfectly. Then he started killing people that meant something to me and got angry at me. Mom, dad, Taby. He had threatened to kill Alex, too. He had said 'That boy will get mad over something. Might as well kill him before it really does happen and he hurts you.' He had tried to kill me when I stepped in the way. 

His words rang in my head over and over, every day. Especially tonight, as I lay in bed with Alex, my head on his chest. I thought he was asleep. I had been for a little bit, but he woke me up asking a question. 'Who didn't you kill?' That brought back memories I had burried too far down to even think about digging them up. That was my past life. Frankie was right. I do have a secret. 

I wasn't tired anymore. I sat up and looked at Alex. He looked really cute when he slept. I wanted to kiss him, but that would wake him up. He was a light sleeper. I sat at the end of the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking of this past year, with the move and meeting Alex. Finding the most Perfect person in the world. 

The phone rang. I got up and answered it. 



"Yeah, who is this?" 


"Oh, hey, Bud. What's up?"

"Mom is on her way there. She's pretty mad." I heard a noise on the other end. 


"I got into an accident. Ah," He let out a gasp. 


"Just, she's going to be mad. But don't tell Alex. Let him be confused."

"Why would I do that?"

"Brianna, just do it." 


"Promise? OUCH!" He was probably in the E.R. 


"Okay, bye." 

I hung up the phone and shook my head. He was in an accident? I was worried now.I went and sat at Alex's computer. I had no Twitter or Facebook or MySpace or even Gmail account, so I really had nothing to do. I sat in the chair and just waited. 

~Four Hours Ago~

~Alex P.O.V.~ 

I thought she fell asleep. She didn't snore in her sleep, though, so it was hard to tell. Then, she started talking. It was a new habit she had developed after she moved in. Talking in your sleep. 

"Safety." She mumbled. It confused me slightly. 

I lifted my head off the pillow to look down at her. Her brown hair was in the way. 

"What?" I whipsered. 

She stayed silent. Either asleep, or screwing with me big time. But it didn't seem like she smiled, so I was pretty sure she was asleep. Well, I thought, At least she talks and doesn't drool. That would be highly unpleasant. Especially with my lack of wearing a shirt to bed tonight. 

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