Dedications And Thank You.

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I never expected this story to gain over 10k Reads! Honestly, I'm still shocked every time I log into Wattpad and see that number beside my book. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me since the beginning. I try to personally thank everyone for everything, so if you have supported me and I haven't messaged you, I'm truly sorry. I am thankful for each and every one of you. <3 

This story started off as a Roleplay idea. For those who don't know, I used to love roleplaying through text. Not nasty Roleplay though! Just creative story telling. I used to RP with people who shared similiar story interests. We would change things about the story and add in our own characters. It was a lot of fun. However, even though I loved creating my own take on existing stories, I wanted to create something that was mine. So I did, I created the plot of Kindred Spirit as an RP prompt. For awhile that was fun, I had many of my RP partners telling me how much they enjoyed my story. I finally decided that since I love this story so much, and since I have so many ideas I should create a novel based around it. Others have stolen my RP prompt by now, and they now use it and take credit, but I know I am the one who created it, and I made this story. I'm proud of this, I'm proud of myself. If anyone doesn't like this story that is your opinion, but I love it. So don't attempt to bring me down just because you don't. 

I would like to thank my best friend Abby. Cirra_Jewels She was the one who introduced me to Wattpad a long time ago. Without her, i'm unsure where I would be now. Through Wattpad I've grown, I've met so many amazing people who I can honestly call true friends. So thank you Abby, for being my best friend since grade three, for introducing me to Wattpad, and for encouraging me to begin writing my own novels. 

I would like to thank Jessie. jessanna7 You have been like a sister to me. I met you years ago through Wattpad. We became friends very fast. You came into my life when I was dealing with a lot, struggling with a lot. I was beginning to hate my writing, I hated what I thought were my poor writing abilities. But you, You made me feel as though people were enjoying my work. You are a constant in my life, someone I can honestly depend on. I'm so thankful to have met you. 

I would like to thank Marty. MartyCameron You are one of the few people who can honestly make me laugh. You make me smile, you lift me up when I'm about to fall down. Thank you for being an amazing friend for all this time. Thank you for being the fabulous person you are. I would be lost without your happy nature. 

I would like to thank Bri. yourfriendbri You are someone i look up to. Beautiful, smart, dedicated, kind. I'm glad we met! You give me much needed inspiration. You also helped me get involved with Wattpad contests and you encouraged me to get myself out there more. I wouldn't be here where I am today, if it wasn't for you. Thank you so much Bri, for everything you've done. 

My family aren't supportive. They don't usually take an interest in me or anything I've accomplished. However, because of their lack of support I learned to find pride in myself, and how my actions make me feel. I love my family, we aren't the best, we are no where near perfect, But I love them. 

I would like to thank my newest closest friend tellmeaboutyou You haven't known me very long, but right from the start you genuinely cared about how I felt, You listened to what I have to say, and you always make me feel cared about. I hope I give you the same amount of support You have given me. You are honestly one of the kindest people I've met. Thank you for everything. 

Philip, your turn. Where do I even begin? We met through RP. You are the only person I've told certain things to, you are someone I know without any hesitation that I can trust. You make me laugh so hard I feel like I'll pee myself. You make me smile, you make me feel happy. Whenever I feel drained of creativity, there you are with a million ideas and a large smile on your face. You are someone I cannot picture living without. You are one of my closest friends, you are one of the most creative people I've ever met. I strongly suggest you make a Wattpad account too So that way all of the amazing people on here can see your incredible work! 

I would like to thank the person who always helps with my graphics. Rizumu6 was your former account, and I can't find your new one. I would be beyond lost without your constant help. 

GalaxyDragon2 You make THE BEST covers I have EVER seen. I LOOOOOOVE Your graphics, and I've said this many times. I love, love, love, the cover for Kindred Spirit, and I love the one you made for my book that isn't yet published. Thank you so much for being so helpful and kind. <3 

There are so many people I want to thank. I cannot thank all of you enough. Even if your name isn't mentioned here, you still mean a lot to me. These are simply people I've knwon for a very long time, and I care deeply for. I am thankful for everyone around me. 

I was born with a visual impairment. My condition has worsened but my confidence, my writing, my skills, my happiness, that has all grown. it's because of you all that I now see clearly. What do i see? I now see that I don't need perfect vision to write the perfect story, I now see that I don't need to look in beside me to see who is there, because I already know... it's you guys. The people who support me and stand with me are there, and I'm not alone. 

I know now that I don't need to see, to truly see. 

Thank you all for reading. I love you all, and thank you for everything. 

Courtney. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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