Scene Eight

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Seeing my brother again, I daydreamed of our childhood; technically he wasn’t my brother but the closest thing I had to family, he is my bro that’s a fact. I envisioned our old dojo, where we practiced with wooden swords knocking the shit out of each other until becoming the masters we are today. Hell I could still feel the pain of the bruises of yesteryear, nostalgia overcame me with a side of happiness; thank you for coming back to me, my brother. I snapped out it and coming back to nowI watched as Lex patched himself together and looked at us as human beings instead of insects, it was strange for a moment he had almost regained his humanity; we trained our weapons on him and held our breath. “Please save me”, he pleaded as he attached his head back to his body. It was an earnest plea, none of us could deny that; but our suspicion and doubt kept of all us from lending a hand. “Guys… he’s possessed”. Astoria said breaking the silence between us, “Ashton we have to purify that monster controlling him”. Ragnarok said finally, “Wait what is going on”? Elaine asked us, “I thought we were here to kill that bastard for all evil he’s done”. “Plans have changed”, Nikolai said bitterly loading in a fresh magazine for his anti-tank rifle, “What’s the plan Ashton”? I approached Lex and he smiled, “You’re under arrest for crimes against humanity”. “Fair enough, all evil shall be brought to light”. He spoke to himself, Elaine approached Lex and punched him in the face, “You don’t deserve this… and Ashton I swear to God, forget it”. She said coldly, she spat on Lex’s boot and left the main courtyard to find the chopper. “Feisty, I like it”. We made ourselves to the chopper and sat down, the ride home seemed longer it should have been, I watched Elaine and Nikolai fume at the current pace of events; Astoria was happy knowing we arrested Lex, but I could tell she wanted him dead like many other people. I felt horrible going against every logical and sound move, I’m going against the grain and my teammates are going to give me hell to pay. The following evening was interesting; so bad news or good news first? Eh, I don’t think it matters… to put it shortly we’ve arrested the chief of police and he’s our guest for the evening, and my brother has agreed to join our team of merry of misfits. The bad news, Lex wasn’t always a psychopathic xenophobe, and these are his words not mine: “I am possessed by Euclid”. I’ll say it now and get it out of the way, all elemental users have a guardian creature to watch over them myself included, ideally the creatures and the bonded have mutual symbiosis; you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours, that type of thing… but it’s very rare that the contractor and contracted are on the same page so usually one will overshadows the will of the other, that is the dark truth behind the contracts. There are five symbiotic relationships you could have with your guardian: mutualistic, commensalistic, parasitic, amensalistic, and synnecrotic. Euclid is a synnecrotic creature, Lex has been killing it slowly for God knows how long and Euclid is doing the same; but he’s winning, essentially if there isn’t a middleman between them they’re both going to die tonight. As for the situation of our team… it’s already on thin ice and about to crack apart at the seams.

“Is anyone an exorcist” Ragnarok asked jokingly, “Ragnarok this is serious we’ve got two lives on the wire right now”. To my surprise, my teammates wanted to save Lex after getting to know him; (yes this is after Astoria and I sowed him together like a run over turtle, after Elaine, her, and Nikolai finished a sparring match with him) the air in the emergency room was tense, the smell of sterile equipment and stark white environment made me sick to my stomach; “Inhale… Exhale, Ashton you can do this”. Ragnarok drew a pentagram around the operating table, “I’m going to expel the demon inside Lex; despite what the others say I am saving that creature no matter the cost”. “It is the duty of every king to keep his people safe”. I said sheathing my swords, “Thank you, Ashton; I’d knew you see reason”. We shook hands and started the ritual; “This is a bad idea, Ragnarok”. “When did that ever stop us”? He said smiling, “It’s good to have you back”. “Agreed”.

Chronicles of Myth Volume One: Twisted DaydreamsWhere stories live. Discover now