Table of Contents

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Story arcs

1. Prelude (Act 1) Α

2. Fear the future

3. Gospel of decadence

4. State of decay

5. Belly of the beast

6. Retribution (Act 2) Δ

7. The four horsemen

8. Out of the frying pan...

9. Downward spiral

10. The frozen abyss

11. Pale horse (Act 3) Θ

12. When the earth stood still

13. One way ticket

14. Last frontier

15. Edge of Oblivion

16. Baptized by fire (Act 4) Λ

17. Point of no return

18. Catch 22

19. Last sacrifice

20. Burial at sea

21. A house divided (Act 5) Ξ

22. The last war

23. Moths to the flame

24. Dust and echoes

25. Close the curtains

26. Pyrrhic victory (Act 6) Ο

27. Requiem

28. Awakening

29. Perdition

30. Jus Soli

31. Harvest Moon (Act 7) Σ

32. The Stranger Land

33. Homecoming

34. Foresight

35. Doomsday 

36. Nightfall (Act 8) Υ

37. The hell within

38. Embrace of madness

39. Sleeping in the void

40. Daybreak 

41. Maelstrom (Act 9) Φ

42. Scorched earth

43. Reversal of fate

44. Broken hope

45. Forgotten paradise

46. Dark Clouds (Act 10) Ω

47. Midnight hour  

48. Revelation

49. End of days 

50. Aftermath 

51. Vestiges (Act 11) Ρ

52. Dementia 

53. Relapse

54. Blurred lines 

55. Amalgam

56. No sanctuary (Act 12) Χ

57. A darker shade of gray

58. Inner Recesses

59. Cruelest intent

60. Evil within

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