Chapter Ten

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I woke up to my hand being licked. The sun was bright through the window. I grunted and moved my hand away. I flipped onto my stomach, which was empty as hell. It didn't help that the smell of bacon and eggs lurked throughout the house. Wait...

I shot up in my bed and ran out. I headed out into the hallway. I ran into the wall though, getting suddenly really light headed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Once I collected myself, I headed downstairs to see what was going on. When I entered the living room, I heard snoring. I stopped in my tracks and listened. I snuck up to my couch. Once I got there, I was taken back.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

Brian laid on my couch. His right hand laid on his chest, his left dangling off the side of the couch. At his hand laid Speckles, who was also still sleeping. I awed and snapped a picture. Though, still, who was making the bacon and eggs? I walked towards the kitchen. From the doorframe, I saw Sal standing there, whistling to himself. My lips formed a straight line as I leaned against the doorframe, my feet crossed and my arms crossed over my chest.

'I've should've known.' I thought to myself as I watched him.

From behind, I noticed he had slipped on one of my aprons. A spatula was in his right hand as the other held the handle of the pan. Next to him was a plate with napkins on it, guessing to put the bacon on so the napkins can soak up the extra grease. In another pan was cooking eggs, scrambled to be exact. I took a glance around the kitchen. I noticed that both dogs had their dishes filled with food and fresh water. Lady's was left with crumbs, so I guessed she already ate. She also licked my hand to wake me up. I shook the thought out of my head and decided to let Sal know I was awake.

"Hey sexy." I greeted jokingly.

Sal screamed and jumped. He spun around quickly, his hand placed over his heart. I chuckled as I decided to head over to the sink to wash my hands.

"Jesus! You scared me!" Sal said.

"I know." I replied with a smirk.

"Why would you do that?" He asked.

"Why not?" I asked back wiping my hands on the towel.

Sal rolled his eyes. "You're mean."

"I know." I said all perky.

Sal rolled his eyes and went back to his cooking. I walked up behind him and gave him a smack on his butt. He yelped.

"Nice apron." I winked.

Sal blushed ever-so-slightly. "I didn't want to get dirty. So I saw this hanging by your fridge and decided to put it on."

"You look cute in it." I flirted.

'What am I doing?'

Sal scoffed. "You can't get me that easily, Spears."

I rolled my eyes. Then, suddenly, my stomach rumbled. The smell of all this food made me hungry. Sal noticed. He pointed the spatula at my stomach.

"I'm guessing you're hungry." Sal chuckled.

"Starving." I corrected.

"I would understand. You passed out yesterday and never ate dinner." Sal said.

"About yesterday..." I started.

"What about it?" Sal asked preparing me a plate.

"What happened? The last thing I remember was sleeping in your car." I said.

Sal handed me a plate. I thanked him. He then took off his-well mine, apron off. He grabbed his plate and sat down across from me.

"After you passed out in the car, I decided to drive you home. Brian and I didn't want to wake you up and bother you because you had a long day. So, when we got here, I put you in bed. I didn't want you to sleep in your work clothes I changed you. Hence the reason why you have pj's on. When I got back downstairs, Brian was passed out on your couch. So, I left. I went home and enjoyed time to myself. When I woke up this morning and came over, your dogs were starving and both you and Brian were sleeping. So I fed the dogs and decided to make breakfast for you."

I smiled. "Well, thank you."

Sal smiled back. "No problem. Anything for a neighbor."

I smiled and continued to eat breakfast. As we ate, a groggily Brian walked into the kitchen. Sal started to chuckle to himself. So, in curiosity, I turned around. Brian looked awful. His hair was everywhere, his eyes showing that he wasn't even fully awake. As he stood, he slouched, his shoulder slightly hunched over. I could fully understand why Sal was chuckling.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I chuckled.

"Hmm?" Brian hummed.

"Dude, you didn't even drink last night. Why are you like this?" Sal asked, trying to contain his laughter.

"I had both dogs on top of me last night." Brian grunted.

My smile dropped into a frown. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about that."

"It's okay. At least we don't record until later today. I can put in a few extra hours of sleep." Brian said rubbing his eyes.

I slumped in my chair. My head dropped down, feeling pretty upset that Brian had both dogs on him. I stared at my last piece of bacon on my plate. I wasn't hungry anymore. I picked it up, along with Sal's empty plate, and set them in the sink.

"I'm going to go shower and get dressed. Be back in a little while." I said.

Before the guys could answer, I headed upstairs, feeling extremely bad about Brian.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now