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Addison added Joe
Addison added Brian
Addison added James
Addison added Sal

My flight is almost here. Please tell Pete I won't be at work anymore. I'm so sorry to leave you guys without a word. Lady, Speckles, and I will be back before you know it. I love you guys so much, I hope you get far with your movie and with season eight. Love you guys so so so much! Joe, tell Bessy that I will miss her company and tell Milana that I promise to make more dresses for her doll when I get back. Another thing as well, tell little Remo I said hi! Brian, tell your cats I will miss their company. James, I will miss your crazy bow ties. Sal, I'm just going to miss you. Don't worry about me, I need to experience this before I change my mind again. Please don't think I'm leaving you guys forever. I couldn't do that to such amazing friends.
~Addison -xo-

- - -

Sal, this is hurting me as much as it's going to hurt you, but we need to break off as I leave. I can't have in the back of my mind that I'm leaving my boyfriend behind while I'm gone. I just need a breath from you and what has been happening. I didn't put the house up for sale and I don't expect to. But please know that I will miss you so much. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I will see you soon good friend.
~ Your beloved Addison -xoxo-

I took one last shaky breath before putting my phone into my pocket.

"Flight 67 to New Jersey is now boarding."

I got up, grabbed my bags, and left.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now